Early in October, TORn announced the release of the New Zealand Post’s exclusive commemorative stamps and coins for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. Today we’re giving you the chance to win some of the best of these commemorative items for your personal collection.
Simply answer the questions provided in the contest entry form below, fill in your details, and check back here on February 17th to see if your name is among the winners. Entries with correct answers to all questions will be entered into a lucky draw that will result in FOUR LUCKY WINNERS.
If you need any help with answering the contest questions, head over to the New Zealand Post’s Official Website.
![The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey Logo](http://www-images.theonering.org/torwp/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/The-Hobbit-An-UNexpected-Journey-Logo.jpg)
![NZ Post logo3D RGB](http://www-images.theonering.org/torwp/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/NZ-Post-logo3D-RGB1.jpg)
One winner will take home The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Silver Coin with Gold Plating, one will take home The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Ultimate Collection, and two will take home The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Presentation Pack.
Hit the break for the contest questions and a gallery of the prizes you can win.
Continue reading “TheOneRing.net and New Zealand Post’s “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey” Contest”
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Welcome to our collection of TORn’s hottest topics for the past year. We’ve collected together some of 2012′s most popular posts on 10 of our Message Boards. You’ll be surprised at what captured the attention and imagination of our members. Come and have a look back at what has kept us busy, as we impatiently awaited the release of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. We actually did manage to talk about many fascinating things, besides The Hobbit, so just follow the links to some of our most popular discussions for 2012. Continue to watch this space as every weekend we spotlight the most popular buzz on TORn’s Message Boards. Everyone is welcome, so come on in and join the fun!
Continue reading “TORn Message Boards Weekly Roundup – Special New Years Edition!!”
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We’re happy to announce that the Red Carpet Tours and TORN Premiere Party in Wellington raised $2600 for our chosen charity, Duffy Books in Homes.Thanks so much to Peter Jackson, Weta, Stansborough, Harper Collins and Asni the Harpist for donating beautiful things we could offer in our party auctions and raffles. Thanks to the generosity of the Red Carpet Premiere Tour too, who raised more money in a spirited round of bidding during their farewell dinner a week later.
Originally half the proceeds of the party were to benefit TORN itself, but after a quick palaver among TORN’s senior staff we decided to give it all to Duffy Books in Homes. The Duffy scheme provides books to New Zealand children in areas where books can not be taken for granted as part of the normal furniture of life. Duffy role models travel the country fostering a love of reading. It’s a great scheme, and one long supported by both TORN and Red Carpet’s founders Vic and Raewyn James, who were schoolteachers and principals before they went into tourism.
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Peter Jackson has just uploaded his latest Hobbit production video — #10!
This one delves into the premiere of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in Wellington and reveals that production vids will resume next year as the team ramps up all over again to complete The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. Continue reading “Watch The Hobbit: production video #10”
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Hobbit week continues as we all await the arrival of ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey‘ in theaters December 14th! We are both honored and excited to share with you a TheOneRing.net Exclusive clip from the film! The clip features Thorin and company singing ‘Misty Mountains’ at the end of a long evening in Bag End. The song ‘Misty Mountains‘ is now available for individual download or as part of the complete soundtrack worldwide. [iTunes: Special Edition or Standard] [Amazon.com: Special Edition or Standard] Enjoy!
Continue reading “Exclusive: ‘Misty Mountains’ Clip from ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey’”
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As part of our continuing coverage of Hobbit Week 2012, we’ve got coverage from the New York City premiere of ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey!’ Ringer Ashlee took to the red carpet and sends in this report:
This past week, I had the incredible honor of being asked by TORn to film at this exciting event! Interviewing Peter Jackson, Philippa Boyens, Elijah Wood, Martin Freeman, Andy Serkis, Richard Armitage and almost all of the dwarves made it a thrilling experience I will never forget. I hope that you enjoy this video with words from all of our favorite hobbity friends!
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