Beecake+aWhew! After a party like that we all needed a couple of days’ rest! Fresh after their stunning  performance at our special Hobbit Oscar night, THE ONE EXPECTED PARTY, the magical musical darlings known as Beecake will join us *live* on our chat show TORn TUESDAY in just a few minutes! We are very glad to have Billy Boyd, Billy Johnston, Paul Burke, and Rick Martin join us at the Meltdown Comics Vault, from where we broadcast our live streaming video show every Tuesday at 5pm Pacific Time. Hosted by your congenial M.C. and TORn Staffer Clifford ‘Quickbeam’ Broadway, you can participate with the live chat by coming into our Barliman’s  Chat Room that is built-in to our Live Event Page here. Bring your questions and your mischeif! THE SHOW IS ABOUT TO BEGIN!  You can follow the exploits of Billy and Beecake on Twitter @OfficialBeecake and follow Cliff @Quickbeam2000

ArtShow1LOS ANGELES — We are fully aware of how much we pumped up the One Expected Party and Art Show this past weekend. We poured our website’s resources and our personal resources into the event and then spent days in Los Angeles preparing and pulling off one amazing party (if we don’t say so ourselves) that featured every single “Hobbit” Oscar nominee before the night was over. We didn’t do it alone of course. We had Premiere helping us as a party enabler and we had others managing lights and food and drink for all the guests who showed up. We also relied on some incredible talents like Beecake featuring Billy Boyd, Charles Ross performing a portion of his One Man Lord of the Rings, friends Emerald Rose and Dorian Mirth and others who took the stage to make it all happen.

Opening registration for those attending the One Expected Party in Los Angeles on Oscar night.
Opening registration for those attending the One Expected Party in Los Angeles on Oscar night.
In short, the all-volunteer staff of TheOneRing poured lifeblood there. We also broadcast the event live online so many thousands (at least) more could enjoy the event from home. We will be working hard to pay the bills from the show. So that is why it is especially nice when a media outlet notices what we did and shares that with a wider audience. LA Weekly has some nice photos and words to say about our event and since we aren’t the ones saying it, it provides an excellent outside perspective. Thanks again to the many people who helped us make this event happen. Other media outlets have asked for information about the event ( so there may be more to share. We have also posted galleries on Facebook and sent out Twitter phones (@TheOneRingNet) all during the event.

Gandalf on Gwaihir Over Helm_s Deep Artist Proof by Alan Lee Signed by 3 | eBayWe are just funneling back to our hotel rooms after an amazing night at ‘The One Expected Party,’ but before we allow ourselves a bit of sleep, we want to make sure you all have the URL for our exclusive auctions for items displayed at the event. Ringer staffer Peter (o2thx) was kind enough to allow us use of his personal eBay account to list the items – some of which you may never see auctioned again! Click the following link to place your bids today! Auctions will end in just two days. If you are not able to support by bidding on these items, please do consider a donation. Look for more reports from the party coming soon!  [The One Expected Party Auctions] [Donate]

The Weta Digital team are “tempering expectations” ahead of today’s Academy Awards – but an Oscar win would be a golden ticket to the hottest after-parties in town. Three Weta-produced films are up for visual effects Oscars: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Marvel’s The Avengers and Prometheus.

It is the first time since 1991 that a film company has received three simultaneous nominations.

Animation supervisor Dave Clayton, who worked on The Hobbit, said winning would be a bonus. “How can we not be excited – it’s pretty amazing to not only be able to attend, but to be one of the nominees. Continue reading “Weta team will party, but where?”