deej let us know that long time Guillermo del Toro collaborator Doug Jones has been added to the DragonCon guest list. Check out for all the latest info.
Category: DragonCon
During my association with I have often felt very fortunate to know great people and be in great places. Sometimes I have been lucky enough to have my camera along.
Out of that vast TORn photo library that includes digital images, and old scratched negitives, I put a few images together with some music from Arjan Kiel, (with thanks to fan film ‘Born of Hope,’) to pay tribute to the whole community of
Click on the small triangle to play and to see the best fullscreen version, click on the box at the far right.
Larry Curtis did the honours from DragonCon for the installment of TORN’s bi-monthly radio show on ‘Fictional Frontiers with Sohaib’ – WNJC 1360 AM Philadelphia. Larry talks about the Hobbit Panels conducted by TORn, the fans, and the how he can now sleep at night knowing the Hobbit scripting has begun … and much more.
Continue reading “Fictional Frontiers 8-31-08 transcript”
The long badge lines and crazy costums have begun, friends-not-seen since last year abound and anticipation and fun are underway – DragonCon 2008 is officially open. TORn is preparing for its 2:30 p.m. Hobbit Spy panel today and again Saturday at 5:30 p.m.. Friends from “Reclaiming The Blade,” a documentary sword film that involves many of the key people in front and behind the camera on “The Lord of the Rings,” contacted us and made an incredible offer. Narrated by John-Rhys Davies, the film seems like to be a fan favorite, but the film’s director Daniel McNicoll contacted TORn yesterday and offered to world premeire the film’s trailer at the TORn panel and is providing a genuine sword to be given away during Saturday’s panel. Stay tuned for more details and hopefully photos of the sights and sounds that is DragonCon!
That low rumble you hear from the depths of the Internet is the annual DragonCon in Atlanta waking up from its slumber. While Smaug the Magnificent is waiting in the wings of the hearts of fantasy and movie-lovers everywhere, DragonCon 2008 has no shortage of build for the forthcoming pair of Hobbit-themed movies; and as we seem to be every year, is in the middle of it. Continue reading “TORn Goes to DragonCon”
Our good friends Emerald Rose sent this email along today for those Ringers going to DragonCon 2008:
Sounds like a great time! Check out Emerald Rose’s official website and learn more about their appearances at the DragonCon official website. [Emerald Rose] [DragonCon]