-1ATLANTA – Enthusiasm is building for the two-movie adaptation of “The Hobbit” and if you don’t mind me saying, it can be felt in the air and smelt in the water. One of the first attractions of the day (after Spock and Kirk of course) was TORn’s own trio of staffers Deej, Greendragon ad MrCere, dishing about all the recent developments on “The Hobbit.”

Using quotes from TORn’s own interviews, TORn’s message boards (Guillermo del Toro) and national media, the trio tried to get everybody up to date on the soon-to-be greenlit (we hope/think) film. Sending along greetings was Guillermo del Toro via video and three members of the Weta team that will be working on the film. Continue reading “DragonCon: Day 1”

DragonCon 2008Friday is the official kick-off to the annual sci-fi and fantasy fest known as DragonCon in Atlanta and as it has for the last decade, TheOneRing.net will be there to celebrate everything Tolkien and bring you the goings-on to the best of our ability. We will have new Lake Town Archery Club shirts as well as the continuation of the themed shirts introduced at Comic-Con this year. TORn also has a panel about the very latest news on “The Hobbit,” on Friday morning and Sunday. As fast as news is changing, they may even be completely different.
The latest DCon news is Brad Dourif(television and film legend and of course Grima Wormtongue) has just been announced as a late addition-guest to the four-day convention. He will join Craig Parker and Peter Beagle as this year’s celebrities that add to a whole four-day track of Tolkien programming. Continue reading “DragonCon: Dourif! Parker! TORn!”

hfgPoster artist Paul Vicenti has written in with news on fan film, “Hunt For Gollum” at DragonCon where TheOneRing.net will also be presenting a panel (twice) on the very latest news on “The Hobbit”.

He writes: ” ‘The Hunt for Gollum’ will have it’s East Coast (US) premier at the Dragoncon Film festival this coming labor day weekend. Currently at over 3 million views online, this is a chance to see it as it should be seen- BIG! It is slated to show during the 10 AM screening block on Sunday morning September 6th. Though the actual filmakers will not be there, I will be representing the film ( I was one of the poster artists – see attatched) and will be happy to meet with and discuss the film with any interested parties.

I am sure all LOTR fans attending Dragoncon would appreciate a bit of notice, so they can fit it into what promises to be a very busy weekend indeed! Continue reading “‘Hunt For Gollum’ to premier at DragonCon”

Craig ParkerDeej writes: Unfortunately, due to work commitments John Noble will not be attending DragonCon this year. However, the wonderful Craig Parker was just added to the guest list! He joins the impressive lineup of Tolkien scholars and artists already confirmed, as well as TORn’s own MrCere and his eagerly awaited panel on the upcoming ‘Hobbit’ film. More..

DragonCon 2008The 2009 DragonCon schedule promises to be interesting and fun and features John Noble, a list of speakers and even TheOneRing.net. The event takes place annually, this year September 4-7, in a series of hotels in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. You can read details about the convention here and all the details of the Tolkien programming right here. TORn is scheduled to present an unauthorized look at everything we know so far about the production of ‘The Hobbit’ films and then present for discussion many of the things still open for speculation just as official pre-production begins.

David Carradine:  Farewell To a Great Ringer FanHow does one begin when speaking of someone as dynamic as David Carradine? The man stood out as a powerful presence, known as an avid fan of J.R.R. Tolkien among his friends and fellow film artists. I am struck by his passing.

We originally met David among the crowds of Dragon*Con in Atlanta. I believe it was 2001, but the memory is not an exact science these days. The team of us were putting together a list of luminaries and Tolkien supporters that we thought would like to speak on camera for a project we had called RINGERS: Lord of the Fans, and we walked up to David just as any other engaged fan would come to an autograph table — slightly nervous yet pleased to have a handshake with a performer of such stature. Continue reading “David Carradine: Farewell To a Great Ringer Fan”