Sylvester McCoy, Radagast the Brown in the two upcoming films based on J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit, has been added as a guest to the annual celebration of popular culture known as DragonCon. Ralph Bakshi is also a guest and of course is also attending as it has for the last decade and we will make every effort to catch a chat with McCoy.
He is best known as the seventh Doctor Who but has worked extensively on the stage and in television. It is not yet known if he will appear as part of the Tolkien Track of programming (but he is more than welcome to take the stage during either of the two TORn panels on The Hobbit) but he will doubtless be asked a few Middle-earth questions even if he is involved with Doctor Who content.
Expect a lot more DragonCon content from TORn through the conclusion of the convention including the TORn road trip to DragonCon. Continue reading “Sylvester McCoy added as DragonCon guest” is planning a road trip to DragonCon 2011 in Atlanta GA, and we are looking for a few financial sponsors to make it happen! The plan is to leave Los Angeles on Aug 30th, shoot up to Salt Lake City, and then direct non-stop (except for bathroom breaks) to DragonCon! The best part is we’ll be LIVE the entire time on, thanks to an amazing new piece of technology that should keep us connected the entire trip. If you would like to sponsor our efforts (gas, food, etc), please email us directly at It is a great opportunity to get your company out in front of a worldwide Tolkien audience, and participate in a worldwide first – We believe this is the first time anyone has streamed LIVE across the country!

Want to get a cool t-shirt and help fund’s trip to Comic-Con and DragonCon?  As you can imagine, it is quite expensive to send staff to these annual conventions, and this year, more so than others, we can’t fully depend on our staff paying their own way. ( is a completely volunteer organization – no staffer is ever paid. We depend greatly on your support) In an effort to raise funds, we are selling our ‘Lake town Archery Club’ shirt as well as some other odd size shirts we found in the TORn attic remnant. Click on the ‘continue reading’ button below to view the shirt and size availability. And thank you in advance for your generous support of the site! Don’t want a shirt and just want to send a donation? We won’t argue with you! Our PayPal email is webmaster @
Continue reading “Support TORn’s Trips to Comic-Con and DragonCon”

In our report on TORn’s presence at DragonCon we made a mistake in the URL of the wonderful Tolkien Shop, who donated our hobbits standee and all the pens we gave away! Their website is in fact

Go and check out the shop! It’s not just a website – in fact it’s the only bricks and mortar shop in the world which is dedicated solely to Tolkien and his works. It’s located in Leiden, Holland – so if you find yourself in the Netherlands, you could visit in person! Meanwhile the rest of us can enjoy the store thanks to the wonders of the internet! Many thanks to Tolkien Shop again for supporting us at DragonCon!

Things are moving in the Hobbit world; there are rumors afoot of castings, contracts, scripts and even start dates. It’s all very exciting and if you were at TORn’s panels at DragonCon this year, you were prepared for it!

Yes, was present again this year at one of the world’s biggest fan-based convention. Staffers from TORn ran a table over the course of the weekend, where we had the great pleasure of chatting to fans, meeting regular TORn visitors, catching up with old friends and faithful supporters, and introducing newbies to the joys of the website. Over the four days of the convention we gave out freebies, distributed candy to those brave enough to answer Tolkien trivia, sold t-shirts to help keep the website attending conventions and events, and provided the fun of the ‘Don’t you know you’re [sic] Sam?’ photo opportunity! Apologies Samwise fans, but we decapitated Sam in a hobbit standee, so folks could pose with their head in his place; and all kinds of aliens, cartoon characters, heroes and villains stepped up over the weekend to
offer to ‘share the load…’ For images from the weekend click here. Lots more written details after the break! Continue reading “The official ‘DragonCon 2010’ report (and photos!)”

Our pal and LOTR star Bruce Hopkins writes: I interviewed Dirk Bartholoma who created and runs the LOTR conventions, RingCon and FedCon in Germany. I also talked with Donna Maloney a long time LOTR enthusiast. Donna was at DragonCon when we had our chat. I also have some interviews I did with people on the first night after the 7.1 earthquake that hit Christchurch last week. The link to these audio clips is here. There are a number of clips up so folks can click through to other pages as they will only see 5 at a time on the home page.