ATLANTA — DragonCon 2011 marks the 11th year of involvement with the Atlanta based convention, where it has grown dramatically and yet remains true to its fan-based roots. (We dug up the earliest reports we could find, well worth a look here and featuring Karl Urban, Corvar and Calisuri.)

But this DragonCon had significant differences as well. With an over 2,500 mile journey from Los Angeles to Atlanta sponsored by War In The North, this convention featured the Fellowship of Drivers on The Road to DragonCon. They not only went there but back again with the help of Badali Jewelry and

And on content partner, TORn was the most watched event for the week and the month. A special thanks to those who supported the trip with personal meetings, donations, texts, phone calls and other help.

The journey helped promote the forthcoming video game but it also served as a chance to get one of the Gandalf World Tour statues to Europe. (A story coming soon!) Continue reading “DragonCon 2011 wrap up!”, with major sponsor The Lord of the Rings: War in the North, is returning the Road! While DragonCon may be coming to a end today, the journey continues for our fellowship of drivers as they take the long road back from Atlanta, GA to Los Angeles, CA. The road warriors will begin their trip at approximately Noon ET and will drive straight through over the next few days, stopping along the way to meet up with fans and see some famous places. So while we had occasional non-live elements to DragonCon, we will be back to our LIVE as much as humanly possible for the remainder of the trip. If you have not been following the news, we are on a multi-day road trip to (and from!) DragonCon and, for the first time ever, broadcasting the entire trip 24/7 LIVE via You can interact with the travelers in our Barliman’s chat, as well through twitter and Facebook. And of course, you can email them And even better, we’ve set up a special phone number so you can call and text our travelers: 970-210-6130. We have a special sub site set up to follow their progress – just follow the link. [LIVE] And don’t’ forget to support our sponsors: The Lord of the Rings: War in the NorthBadali Jewelry and Anglotopia!  [Roadtrip to DragonCon Sub Site] [Support the Trip – T-Shirts]

ATLANTA – In less than an hour, the road team at will present a panel for the crowds at DragonCon but the good news for the home audience is that the entire event will be carried live online. Those wishing to participate in the question portion of the event can text in questions at 970-210-6130. We can’t promise to take them all but we would love to have the home group participate with the live audience.

Since the last panel was packed and standing room only, DragonCon has added another segment of our Hobbit panel today at 5:30pm ET.  Like the one from Comic-Con, we will LIVE stream the entire panel, including any questions and audience participation. [ LIVE] []

Join us tonight for DragonCon’s ‘Evening in Bree’ celebration, taking place right now (8:30pm ET). Watch the LIVE coverage in our Live section and join in the conversation and celebration via Barliman’s Chat or Twitter (#tornlive). Tonight’s emcee is none other than our own Quickbeam and the music will be provided by’s good friends Emerald Rose! [ LIVE] [] [Emerald Rose]

Our fellowship of travelers have made it Atlanta, GA and as you can see by the black screen on the feed, they are sleeping soundly, catching a few winks before the madness of DragonCon begins! We have a few exciting events taking place on our LIVE stream today. First, you can tune in LIVE as we present the latest news and information about The Hobbit Movies at our panel presentation. Like the one from Comic-Con, we will LIVE stream the entire panel, including any questions and audience participation. The panel begins at 1pm ET/10am PT and you can view it all in our LIVE section. [Here] The second scheduled event on our LIVE feed is the ever popular Evening at Bree! That will start at 8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT and feature our good friends Emerald Rose performing with lots of fun and frivolity! And of course, today is the anniversary of JRR Tolkien’s passing, so we’ll take some time to honor the Professor. We will most likely be streaming other events during the day, so we encourage you to stay tuned and participate in the LIVE stream area. [ LIVE] []