Composer Howard Shore brought J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary imagination to vivid life with his Academy®- and Grammy® Award-winning score to Peter Jackson’s film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Shore crafted a fully-developed musical epic that related the classic tale with moving and intricately related themes for each of Middle-earth’s cultures and charted the One Ring’s journey with an exhilarating flourish.

Upon its 2001 arrival, Shore’s score, composed for large symphony orchestra, adult and boys choruses and instrumental and vocal soloists, was proclaimed an instant classic. Now the massive composition makes an unprecedented move to the concert hall. On March 26 and 27, the Munich Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Ludwig Wicki, and the voices of the Universitätschor München will present Shore’s entire 3-hour score to The Fellowship of the Ring live to the projected film. Continue reading “12 Days Left Until German Premiere of LOTR: LOTR LIVE!”

Contemporary composer Johan de Meij’s The Lord of the Rings Symphony is the centerpiece of the Knoxville Wind Symphony’s “Storm of Sauron!” concert at 8 p.m. Monday, March 3, at the Tennessee Theatre. The Dutch composer debuted his Symphony No. 1, best known as The Lord of the Rings Symphony, in 1988. It was winner of the 1989 Sudler Composition Award. The piece is in five movements, each inspired by a character or episode from the J.R.R. Tolkien novel “The Lord of the Rings.” Wind symphony performs ‘Lord of the Rings’ piece

From the folks at We at feel it is necessary to alert fans and followers of The Lord of the Ring Symphony that there are a number of concerts touring Germany that have no association with Howard Shore. The promoter, Gastspiel- und Theaterdirektion Gerhartz GmbH, calls these concerts “Herr der Ringe von Howard Shore in Concert” in effect confusing the ticket buyer. Please be warned, Howard Shore has nothing to do with these concerts. The music that they play is assembled from commercially available sheet music.

This situation is frustrating and disheartening for Mr. Howard Shore and his associates, who are committed to presenting only the highest quality performances of The Lord of the Rings Symphony created by Howard Shore himself from his award-winning composition. Continue reading “Howard Shore Concert Updates – And Beware of Fakers!”

Howard ShoreRinger Chris sends along this intriguing spy report that seems to confirm that Howard Shore will be scoring ‘The Hobbit’ films:

Hi there! I was at the world premiere of the Fellowship of the Ring performed live to the film concert in Lucerne/Switzerland last night, at which Howard Shore was present. Before the concert there was a brief talk with him, during which he mentioned that “WE are going to start on the screenplay soon,” when asked about The Hobbit. Imagine my Ringer heart taking a leap of joy. At the signing taking place after the concert, I did ask, just be sure, if I had heard correctly, and Howard confirmed that yes, he will be scoring The Hobbit. He’s hopeful that New Line will work something out with the Tolkien Estate’s because, “It’s too important a project.” Let’s hope he’s right! I should not neglect to mention that the concert was amazing and conductor Ludwig Wicki, the 21st Century Orchestra and Choir, the Luzerner Saengerknaben choir and the soloists got a standing ovation for at least 5 minutes. I can’t wait for March 2009, when The Two Towers concert is tentatively scheduled.

Additional reports are coming in from the event with the same information, you can read more in the forums. [Forum]

Composer Howard Shore brought J.R.R. Tolkien’s literary imagination to vivid life with his Academy®- and Grammy® Award-winning score to Peter Jackson’s film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. Shore crafted a fully-developed musical epic that related the classic tale with moving and intricately related themes for each of Middle-earth’s cultures and charted the One Ring’s journey with an exhilarating flourish.

Upon its 2001 arrival, Shore’s score, composed for large symphony orchestra, adult and boys choruses and instrumental and vocal soloists, was proclaimed an instant classic. Now the massive composition makes an unprecedented move to the concert hall. On March 26 and 27, the Munich Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Ludwig Wicki, and the voices of the Universitätschor München will present Shore’s entire 3-hour score to The Fellowship of the Ring live to the projected film. Continue reading “Lord of the Rings – Fellowship of the Ring – PERFORMED LIVE TO THE FILM”