Tickets are now available for the Royal Albert Hall showing of FOTR in high def with the London Philharmonic! The event will take place on April 14th and 15th. Follow the link for more details!
Category: Concerts
Jason writes: I just read in today’s Sunday Times here in the UK, that on April 14th and 15th 2009 the Royal Albert Hall will be showing FOTR in high def while the London Philharmonic will be playing the music to it. At the moment tickets are available to the times subscribers then tickets go on sale after October 14th, I just ordered mine and they are £40 each.
The RAH website does not have tickets available yet, but as soon as they come online we’ll post the link!
Anonymous writes: Pieces from a private collection of authentic LOTR movie props will be shown at the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra for the weekend for their Lord of the Rings Symphony. There will be six pieces on display Friday and Saturday night, more news can be found at Original Prop Blog.
Lhunsarniel writes: Thought this might be of interest for Howard Shore’s upcoming performance of The Fly Opera c/o Landmark Theaters tie-in in Los Angeles. Landmark’s website is here. This is pasted from their website blurb: “LA Opera presents Howard Shoreʼs THE FLY, directed by David Cronenberg. Six performances only from Sept. 7-27. Film Club Members receive a 15% discount on tickets. Simply call 213.972.8001 and mention promo code 9650. (Offer subject to availability.) For more info, go to For a chance to win a pair of tickets to THE FLY on Sept. 10, at 7:30, courtesy of LA Opera, you must answer the following question correctly: 1) According to THE FLYʼs website, whatʼs the name of the Canadian bass-baritone singer who will make his LA Opera debut in the title role of Seth Brundle?”
The soaring Grand Court of the famous Philadelphia department store—home to the thunderous Wanamaker Organ—will be transformed into a magnificent concert hall on Saturday September 27.
The Philadelphia Orchestra combines its resources with those of the Wanamaker Organ, the world’s largest playing pipe organ. The organ has 28,482 pipes ranging from the size of a pencil to giants towering 37 feet tall. Performed for the first time here is Joseph Jongen’s Symphonie Concertante. One of the most famous organ-orchestra pieces, closing in a thrilling pull-out-all-the stops toccata, it was written for the Wanamaker Organ and the Philadelphia Orchestra in 1926, but to date has never been played on the instrument for which it was intended. Continue reading “Shore Helps Macy’s Celebrate 150th Anniversary”
Ringers Nerwen and Jussi sent us excited emails this morning with the good news for Finnish ‘The Lord of the Rings’ fans:
Tickets will go on sale June 23rd for these performances. [More Info]