We continue our chapter-by-chapter discussion of The Hobbit tomorrow in Hall of Fire as the Company — now minus Gandalf — embarks on its perilous journey through Mirkwood.
Somehow the killing of the giant spider, all alone by himself in the dark without the help of the wizard or the dwarves or of anyone else, made a great difference to Mr. Baggins. He felt a different person, and much fiercer and bolder in spite of an empty stomach, as he wiped his sword on the grass and put it back into its sheath.
“I will give you a name,” he said to it, “and I shall call you Sting.”
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This weekend, Hall of Fire will be focusing on mortality and immortality in Tolkien’s legendarium. A lot of people seem to feel that immortality is superior. But is that truly the case?
But the Lords of Valinor forbade [the Dúnedain] to sail so far westward that the coasts of Númenor could no longer be seen; and for long the Dúnedain were content, though they did not fully understand the purpose of this ban.
But the design of Manwë was that the Númenóreans should not be tempted to seek for the Blessed Realm, nor desire to overpass the limits set to their bliss, becoming enamoured of the immortality of the Valar and the Eldar and the lands where all things endure.
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This weekend Hall of Fire returns to The Hobbit as we examine the events of Chapter 6: Out of the Frying-Pan into the Fire.
“I brought him, and I don’t bring things that are of no use. Either you help me to look for him, or I go and leave you here to get out of the mess as best you can yourselves. If we can only find him again, you will thank me before all is over.”
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Early in the Third Age, the Kings of Gondor began to forge an friendship with the Northmen of Rhovanion. Umtil Rhovanion’s demise, the Northmen kingdom provided a crucial bulwark for Gondor against reavers from the east.
[The Northmen] had increased greatly in the peace brought by the power of Gondor. The kings showed them favour, since they were the nearest in kin of lesser Men to the Dúnedain (being for the most part descendants of those peoples from whom the Edain of old had come); and they gave them wide lands beyond Anduin south of Greenwood the Great, to be a defence against men of the East.
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This weekend (Sat March 7 at 5pm EST) Hall of Fire will be chatting about the Kate Madison-directed Middle-earth fan-film Born of Hope: The Ring of Barahir.
Arise Dúnedain, remember who you are!
Born of Hope: The Ring of Barahir
Born of Hope is based on the appendices of The Lord of the Rings and tells the story of the Dúnedain as it follows the lives of Arathorn II and Gilraen, the parents of Aragorn. Continue reading “Hall of Fire this weekend: discussing the fan-film Born of Hope”
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This weekend we continue our examinination of the Hobbit with Chapter 3 – A Short Rest. Bilbo and company make their way to Rivendell, where they are greeted by Elrond the “elf friend” and a group of elves who talk in really bad verse.
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