This Saturday at 6pm ET, Hall of Fire will explore the link between J.R.R. Tolkien and one of the things he most loved — trees.
There is no doubt that trees had a special place in Tolkien’s heart. In Middle-earth they whisper, they walk, and before Sun and Moon was made, two trees gave light to the world.
The forces of darkness, like Saruman and his orcs delight in cutting the woods down, but in Middle-earth the trees themselves can go to war, led by those most curious of Tolkiens creations: the shepherds of the trees. Continue reading “Hall of Fire chat topic this Saturday: Trees and Tolkien”
This Saturday at 6pm ET, Hall of Fire turns again to The Return of the King as we examine the final chapter of Book V — The Black Gate Opens.
Intent on drawing forth Sauron’s hidden strength, the Army of the West marches on Mordor. Seemingly bent on self-destruction, they provocatively cross the Anduin, set the fields of Morgul Vale aflame and proclaim the return of the Lords of Gondor.
Well, well, now at any rate I understand poor Denethor a little better. We might die together, Merry and I, and since die we must, why not? Well, as he is not here, I hope he’ll find an easier end. But now I must do my best.
Continue reading “Hall of Fire chat topic this Saturday: The Black Gate Opens”
Did you ever regularly chat in Barliman’s? If you’ve ever dropped by, or were a regular in the TORn chatrooms, join us this Saturday between 3pm and 6pm ET as we celebrate TORn’s 15th anniversary (or TORniversary, if you prefer).
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This Saturday at 6pm ET, Hall of Fire turns again to The Return of the King to examine aftermath of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
It was not long before Gandalf himself came in search of them. He stooped over Merry and caressed his brow; then he lifted him carefully. ‘He should have been borne in honour into this city,’ he said. ‘He has well repaid my trust; for if Elrond had not yielded to me, neither of you would have set out; and then far more grievous would the evils of this day have been.’
Continue reading “Hall of Fire chat topic this Saturday: The Houses of Healing”
This Saturday at 6pm ET, Hall of Fire will be looking at moral dilemnas as we examine our next chapter of The Return of the King — the Pyre of Denethor.
‘…I am frightened. Something terrible may happen up there. The Lord is out of his mind, I think. I am afraid he will kill himself, and kill Faramir too. Can’t you do something?’
Gandalf looked through the gaping Gate, and already on the fields he heard the gathering sound of battle. He clenched his hand. ‘I must go ‘ he said. ‘The Black Rider is abroad, and he will yet bring ruin on us. I have no time.’
‘But Faramir!’ cried Pippin. ‘He is not dead, and they will burn him alive, if someone does not stop them.’
Continue reading “Hall of Fire chat this Saturday: The Pyre of Denethor”
This Saturday at 6pm ET, Hall of Fire examines one of Tolkien’s more mysterious creations — the Drúedain. If you’re somewhat mystified as to who these people are, the name Ghân-buri-Ghân (who appears to help the Rohirrim in The Return of the King) may ring a few bells.
There sat Théoden and Éomer, and before them on the ground sat a strange squat shape of a man, gnarled as an old stone, and the hairs of his scanty beard straggled on his lumpy chin like dry moss. He was short-legged and fat-armed, thick and stumpy, and clad only with grass about his waist. Continue reading “Hall of Fire chat this weekend: who are the Drúedain?”