Benjamin Walker is an accomplished actor who has truly done it all. His resume includes acting and singing on the big screen, television, and on-stage. He has performed his stand-up comedy show Find the Funny all over the U.S., and he’s even played two U.S. presidents.
As we draw nearer to the end of our closer look at all twenty of the recently announced (or confirmed) castings from Amazon, staffer greendragon brings us up to speed with the incredibly impressive career of Scottish actor and film maker Peter Mullan.
Augustus Prew is a London-born actor who started his career as a child, getting his first big break in the acclaimed film About a Boy, followed by appearances in several TV shows. His next big film role was that of Robin De Noir in The Secret of Moonacre, where he plays a rather eccentrically dressed young man who looks surprisingly like a Lost Boy.
In today’s spotlight, we feature two actors with roles in Amazon’s Middle-earth series, both versed in theater and film – Alex Tarrant and Fabian McCallum.
Today we are taking a look at an actor with a previous connection to The Lord of the Rings; Peter Tait is not only working on Amazon’s series, but can boast having a role in Peter Jackson’s film trilogy as well – AND a connection to Sir Peter through a short film.