Freca and Fréaláf roles revealed for The War of the...
Following yesterday’s initial casting announcement from Warner Bros., Witcher actor Shaun Dooley and Laurence Ubong Williams have revealed...
Continue readingFollowing yesterday’s initial casting announcement from Warner Bros., Witcher actor Shaun Dooley and Laurence Ubong Williams have revealed...
Continue readingAccording to Deadline, Brian Cox is set to perform the English voice role for Helm Hammerhand in Warner...
Continue readingIf (like yours truly) the chapter of The Lord of the Rings “A Journey in the Dark” ever...
Continue readingThe Haggerty Museum of Art and Raynor Memorial Libraries at Marquette University will be presenting a a lecture...
Continue readingDaedelic Entertainment yesterday announced that its The Lord of the Rings: Gollum game will be released on September...
Continue readingOver on Wraith Land, Thomas Kelley has just published the first part of an extended interview with noted...
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