A Call For Writers
Have a knack for writing? Want to share your thoughts about Tolkien, his works and the adaptations of...
Continue readingHave a knack for writing? Want to share your thoughts about Tolkien, his works and the adaptations of...
Continue readingIf we know anything, fans of Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings can move mountains...and that is just what the team at Minecraft Middle-earth has done for 10 years.
Continue readingFor those of you who may not have been exposed to this tidbit of shareable humor, we thought...
Continue readingNational Geographic reports scientists have discovered a new family of eel-like fish, named dragon snakeheads, living in subterranean...
Continue readingLOTR and The Hobbit are getting the 4K UHD Treatment and we've got a special announcement from Sean Astin telling you all about it!
Continue readingEver generous with his time and talent, Andy Serkis is hosting a #hobbithon of sorts and reading the...
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