Spring is springing in the Northern Hemisphere, and that means it is time for March Madness! We here at TheOneRing.net always like to join in the fun; and this year, we bring you Middle-earth March Madness 2025: The Art of Middle-earth.

As those who joined us for the livestream launch yesterday know, this year we’ve chosen 64 works of art – artists’ imaginings of the realms and characters created by The Professor. These are then divided into four ‘Regions’: Landscapes, Portraits, Story Moments, and Groups/Montages.

As you can imagine, it was very difficult to narrow the field to 64 artists and then to choose just ONE work from each artist! (But we certainly had fun, exploring and perusing and immersing ourselves in Middle-earth art!) Now we hand the difficult decision making over to YOU! As ever, our March Madness plays out in six rounds, with half the entries getting knocked out each round. So right now you have the challenging task of voting to reduce 64 wonderful art works down to just 32!

How will you choose? That is entirely up to you! But first, a word about OUR choices:

You will notice the absence of Tolkien himself in this ‘contest’. We decided it would be unfair to include The Professor’s own art work – for surely he would be the clear winner! So the pool is made up of artists INSPIRED by Middle-earth, not the creator of Middle-earth himself. We also have not included art from film. There is of course art inspired by film – you can see a clear influence of Peter Jackson’s movies on some of these works – but we have not included, for example, stills from the recent, beautiful anime movie The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim, nor from Ralph Bakshi’s 1978 The Lord of the Rings (though you will find the poster from that film in one of the brackets!)

This year’s March Madness, more than ever, is very much ‘for fun’. We didn’t seed our choices this year; we felt it was impossible to create any kind of ‘rank’ for these stunning visuals. Likewise, your vote will be entirely about your own personal taste. There is no ‘best’ piece amongst these 64 – only the ones YOU like best. So, vote however you would like. Toss a coin, if it comes down to it! But DO take some time enjoying all of the art. Our hope is that fans will take pleasure in revisiting familiar works, and also that many people will be introduced to artists whose work they do not already know. We’ve made sure to include links where available, so perhaps you’ll head off down a rabbit hole to explore more pieces by a painter you’ve just discovered. Maybe you’ll even buy some works from that artist, for your own wall! (And that’s actually quite a good ‘yard stick’ for decision making – ‘Would I like to hang this on my living room wall?’)

In short, treat the voting brackets like an art gallery. Stay a while! (You have until midnight EST at the end of March 22nd to vote in Round One.) Gaze, reflect, ponder, enjoy. And then VOTE.

How does it work, you ask? Simple! Click on the button below. This will take you to the voting site, where you can view the entire bracket, and also view individual works in all their glory (and details of the artist). So let’s get voting!

You have until the end of the day Saturday March 22nd to vote in Round One; on Sunday 23rd voting will open for Round Two! Look out for more livestream discussions of the featured art, coming from our TORn Tuesday team, where we’ll also have some very special guests – and some giveaways! Keep an eye on our socials for all details. We hope you enjoy exploring this Art of Middle-earth; let the games begin!