The LOTR on Prime twitter account popped up on Tolkien Reading Day with some juicy quotes from The Council of Elrond chapter of the Fellowship of the Ring.
Since we all love to hope that Amazon’s marketing people do nothing without purpose (as opposed to just doing nothing), Webcrawler, a frequent poster on the TORn Discord and a keen dissector of spoilers is here with some analysis of how it might all link back to some big story developments in Season 2 of The Rings of Power.
~ Staffer Demosthenes
p.s. There are potential spoilers below based on various leaks and rumours we’ve heard over the last little while. As always, keep in mind that rumours can sometimes turn out to be not correct. It’s the nature of the beast.
Mae Govannen Friends,
Exciting times in the world of Tolkien this past week; The Rings of Power account on X (formerly Twitter) finally came out of hibernation to make a post for Tolkien Reading Day.

We still await with hope the imminent arrival of a trailer and a release date for Season 2 of Amazon’s The Lord of The Rings: The Rings of Power. In the meantime, these are some very interesting quotes to select, based on what we expect to be covered in Season 2. We’ve previously covered some theories and rumors regarding Season 2 , but let us look a bit closer at these quotes and match them up to some of the leaks we’ve read over the past 12 months.
The Three Rings of Celebrimbor

The first quote touches upon the creation of the Three Rings (Ed.: it’s actually Elrond correcting Glóin’s misconceptions about their nature), something we saw happen in Episode 8 of the first season of The Rings of Power.

Although there has been some controversy over the decision to make the Three Rings first in the show, the quote is pretty accurate to what was depicted. Sauron (Halbrand) was not there when the Three were made, disappearing right before he could be involved in their creation.

The second part of the quote also matches up, as the rings were being made to heal/prevent the elves from fading. Morfydd Clark, who plays Galadriel in The Rings of Power, had this say about Nenya, the ring Galadriel receives in Season 2:
She’s about to have a life-changing thing happen to her. She’s about to become acquainted with Nenya, her ring. It’s really exciting to see how the magic creeps in.

The Dwarves of Khazad-dûm
We didn’t see the creation of other rings in Season 1, so it’s expected that they will be made in Season 2. In the same Deadline article above, we get mention from Peter Mullan, who played the regal King Durin III of Khazad-dûm.
“There are more rings; the show is called The Rings of Power. Maybe I’ll be getting a new necklace, who knows?” cheeky Peter Mullan, who portrays King Durin III in the series, teased.
Though tight-lipped about the King’s accessories, he confirmed his character’s relationship with his son, Prince Durin (Owain Arthur), “gets very problematic”.
He shared cryptically, “My guy goes through some things that change him. So his son is reacting to a very different father; he’s not the father that you see. He’s someone else.
In Season 1, we saw that Durin III was reluctant to mine Mithril, describing it as perilous, in contrast to his son, Durin IV, played by Owain Arthur. So, could the aforementioned change be Durin III becoming more greedy in Season 2. And could it possibly be induced by possession of a Ring?
Fellowship of Fans, a Rings of Power fan-group and prominent leaker, mentioned that Narvi would be in Season 2, played by Kevin Eldon, and that The Doors of Durin would be made.

The Doors of Durin, as we know, are made of Ithildin, a form of Mithril fashioned by the elves to reflect moonlight and starlight.
They are wrought of ithildin that mirrors only starlight and moonlight, and sleeps until it is touched by one who speaks words now long forgotten in Middle-earth. It is long since I heard them, and I thought deeply before I could recall them to my mind.’
The Fellowship of the Ring. Book 2, Chapter 4: A Journey in the Dark
As previously mentioned, Durin III forbade the further mining of mithril. So this leak, if true, tells us that at some point mithril will be mined by the dwarves in Season 2. Putting two and two together, could this re-opening of the mithril mines be due to the effect of a certain ring given to Durin III?
It’s also worth recalling that during Episode 7/8 of Season 1 that Disa is adamant that they will find a way to mine Mithril, stating that it’s Durin IV’s birthright as prince of Khazad-dûm.

The Elven-Smiths and the Fall of Eregion
Chapter 2 of Book 2 of Te Fellowship of the Rings contains the basic overall outline of the story of the Rings of Power, as recounted by Elrond Peredhel at the council before the Fellowship is formed.
Given where Season 1 concluded, revealing Halbrand to be Sauron, Season 2 of The Rings of Power is expected to cover the portion of the story covered by the previously quoted text.
And evidence indicates it will go even further — encompassing Elrond’s following sentence.
For in that time he was not yet evil to behold, and they received his aid and grew mighty in craft, whereas he learned all their secrets, and betrayed them, and forged secretly in the Mountain of Fire the One Ring to be their master. But Celebrimbor was aware of him, and hid the Three which he had made; and there was war, and the land was laid waste, and the gate of Moria was shut.
The Fellowship of the Ring. Book 2, Chapter 2: The Council of Elrond
Fellowship of Fans, along with other places have leaked extensively about the Eregion sub-plot. Based on these leaks, including set pictures, it seems highly likely that the Siege of Eregion will take place in this upcoming season.

Photos of the Bray Film Studios set, taken by drone and posted on the LOTR on Prime sub-reddit by u/yakadoodle123 show what many believe to be the Eregion set in a state of disarray.

The wait continues
So there you have it; with @LOTRonPrime’s first tweet in nearly 8 months, it’s seems that we are in the beginning marketing phase for Season 2 of The Rings of Power, and based on leaked information, it appears it will cover some very significant events from the text.
About the author: Webcrawler is a full-time data analyst and a part-time Tolkien aficionado who frequents the Discord Server.