Legendary practical effects master worked on Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and many Oscar winning films.
When Amazon realized they needed a title sequence befitting the greatest Legendarium in print and film, and they need it practical, the list of experts was small. Douglas Trumbull was one of the few remaining masters of physical model FX production left, and he has now passed to white shores and a far, green country.
We caught up with Trumbull in what were to be his waning days, to talk about the making of the epic LOTR Rings of Power title video, which you can read about here.
Like Ian Holm and Christopher Lee before him, LOTR is Trumbull’s final work in an extraordinary career; and he leaves a lasting gift to Tolkien fans – the title of THE RINGS OF POWER.
Check out the full obituary over at Variety.