Welcome to The Great Hall of Poets, our regular monthly feature showcasing the talent of Middle-earth fans. Each month we will feature a small selection of the poems submitted, but we hope you will read all of the poems that we have received here in our Great Hall of Poets.
So come and join us by the hearth, and enjoy!
If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.
Lady Forest
by: Tom Frye
Kissed by the sun, embraced by the morning, The Forest sheds her cloak of Night. She slips into a gown of mist, She wove herself, by Morning light. In Amber rays, the Forest dances, In hidden glens within the hills. Barefoot, she glides through open meadows, Tip-toes her way past silver rills. Her gown of mist trails behind her, Fluttering in the morning wind, Adorned with gems and sparkling jewels. The rising sun did surely send. © Copyright 2000 by Tom Frye
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“The Seed”
by: Bear Timmons
In a time where the world is burdened with chaos and full of darkness, even the slightest shine from the Star of Eärendil wouldn't stop it. Creatures roam unmindful of the evil around them, focused only on temporary love, possessions and never on HIM. Rejection can feel cold but murderous to one's mind, inner thoughts are like battling Balrog Hoping one day the world will go eastward of Gondor, to be with JESUS, my precious! Although many already bear this ring, it is our job as its bearer to plant its seed.
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