Welcome to The Great Hall of Poets, our regular monthly feature showcasing the talent of Middle-earth fans. Each month we will feature a small selection of the poems submitted, but we hope you will read all of the poems that we have received here in our Great Hall of Poets.
So come and join us by the hearth, and enjoy!
If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.
Ode to Elanor
By D.McGlinchey Elanor, my star flower, my beautiful golden sun. From lonely isles did your namesake travel to bring beauty and joy from afar. Elf Child, though of Halfling kin, fair beauty of the Shire. Your grace and wisdom outshines them all and your laughter a Dragon would halt. Blessed with the grace of the Valar you glow. Though hard was the road that led to your being,I never faltered nor forsook the dreams I made. I traveled there and back again to make true those distant dreams. And I did. With you Elanor. My star flower. My beautiful golden sun.
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A poem of “Riddles in the Dark”
by MA Corkery Riddles in darkness, hobbit and ring What object is this? Have I found some new bling? It’s shiny, and gold and I think very old But there is something more to it that can’t quite be told Will it bring power, joy, or wealth? Can it save me from this dark goblin house? These questions, they run in my mind as I ask, “What have I got in my pocket?” Riddles in darkness, hobbit and ring What is this creature, this non-goblin thing? Is it tasty, will it be a good snack? My precious let’s see and then swiftly attack Now it is riddles: teeth, daisies, and time We’ll answer his questions and then he’ll be mine But wait, where have you gone? Did I lose you somehow? My precious where are you, I cry out aloud I look at this morsel, this non-goblin thing Just maybe, perhaps, he has taken my ring Riddles in darkness, hobbit, and ring I am one step closer to my dark lord and king The darkness is coming, he’ll find me I know And in the darkness binding he’ll grow and he’ll grow Riddles in darkness, hobbit and ring Remember with winter there is always a spring No matter the darkness, no matter the might There will always be hope and good fighting the fight
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Keep The Faith
by Michael Amos Though bird in shire and toad in hollow share their daily cries Dark forces incessantly wallow chanting so he flies It’s never good to lose your sight of things that truly matter For there’s a fight tween wrong and right the falling swords a-clatter. The day is new and offers all the chance to make a choice The very things that fill us up and cause us to rejoice! So why are we so very willing at the least resistance To tattle, harp and creak our spilling complaints every instant? It’s ours to mourn the loss of power swelling loves true ranks When all our whinging melancholy has us walking planks. The remedy is simple dear, and never once you doubt it You’re the one who moves your eyes and never should you floutt it. Here the birds and all the frogs who’s siren song declares The sun is coming! Build your life and share with us your wares The evil waits for you to fake your focus on a whim So, always know it’s on your watch you give a chance to him. Remember love, and luck and joy and fight with all you’ve got To grow, and know, and pluck your vision from the twisted knot Of everything that blocks your way and dance aside so lightly You’re a living song of ever loving will so mighty The shire is true, The sky is blue The stakes are oh, so high Let’s herald one more chance To make the best of life, it’s nigh.
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