Welcome to The Great Hall of Poets, our regular monthly feature showcasing the talent of Middle-earth fans. Each month we will feature a small selection of the poems submitted, but we hope you will read all of the poems that we have received here in our Great Hall of Poets.
So come and join us by the hearth and enjoy!
If you have a Tolkien/Middle-earth inspired poem you’d like to share, then send it to poetry@theonering.net One poem per person may be submitted each month. Please make sure to proofread your work before sending it in. TheOneRing.net is not responsible for poems posting with spelling or grammatical errors.
The Lord of Water
by D.McGlinchey
I move through the world via many paths.
Each pathway leads to me and I cover this Middle Earth.
Nowhere is beyond my reach.
For if I am hinderedI may take to the sky to fall again anew,
Where each raindrop may carry a message from me,
Each teardrop you shed a tale from you.
Through the scars of the land I move unassailed.
In my depths I hold memories and great tales never told.
For the memories and tales are as the Great River’s roar.
Each crash is a cry out.
Each trickle a whispered sigh.
The thunder of Rauros echoes of a thousand battles,
Whilst the screens of a waterfall have hidden the events that began them!
Not for me the grand halls and graces of Valinor,
Nor the rugged beauty of the lands of Arda.
It is Ulmonan holds my heart.
The depths of my oceans and the calm of my seas offer seclusion enough.
But beware my wrath and cherish my pity
For I am ever present to protect.
To guide.
To avenge.
For I offer both mercy and punishment to the Children of Illúvatar
I will speak with Nàmo and Manwë if need, within the Máhanaxar
And forestall the works of Melkor
For I am of the Eight,
The Aratar
The Holy Ones of Arda
And I remain.
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The Dawn of the Fourth Age
By Mary E.
He who was the younger now must
take charge.
The one who his father loved the
least has now become the first.
What has happened to the world?
That which was fair is now corrupt
He who was less now is more.
Those who loved peace now must
The land which was green is now a
The kingdom of elves is fading fast
It is men that must take up the
banner of good.
The king will return
The halfling will save.
All that must be will be
Much that is old must leave the
For a new age has come,
Never seen under this sun.
All things must come to an end
But many others have just begun.
That which was beautiful but deadly
Has at last been destroyed.
The power of evil no more can stand
All peoples will join the final fight
And bring down that which blocked
the light.
A star in heaven will join her lord
And a new race of kings will be born.
The last of the wise will pass over
the sea,
But leave in their wake the ones who
have tales still meant to be told.
What has happened to the world?
Is the dark gone for good
The light here to stay?
Prophesies fulfilled and wars won
and passed?
The earth is beautiful, fair and bright,
The King loves his people
And all is right.
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Elf of the wand
By: Theo van de Pol
And so it was told that both were Maiar,
but the light was in Olórin and the
darkness with Valaraukar.
One walked Middle Earth and Gandalf became his
common name,
the other dwelt deep in darkness and would become
Durin’s Bane.
Many years later Durin Doors would sway open again,
and the Grey Pilgrim led a brave fellowship into
the Balrogs den.
In the grim cold of the mine there are no lights or
there he would face his greatest test as outlined
by the wise Valar.
At the bridge of Khazad-Dum he stood firm but fell
in the abyss,
fighting the demon for days, leaving his friends
alone and amiss.
The darkness took him and he strayed out of thought
and time,
but was send back naked as it was still his task to
guide and shine.
He became Gandalf once again to help those who opposed Sauron to fight,
this time not as the Grey, but purely as the White.
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