When TheOneRing.net marked its 10th anniversary in 2009, we celebrated in style. We had such a good time, we decided to celebrate every year on April 26, the date when TORn was established.

To us, however, this is more than an Anniversary. Inspired by TORn Discussion Board member weaver, April 26 has evolved into Founders Day. It’s become TheOneRing.net’s official holiday to celebrate our four Founders and is our time to say thanks to them and the people (all volunteers) who keep this place going. It’s a great day to find shade under our FD Tree and reminisce, tell war stories, or reflect on all the adventures and friendships that have been forged over the years. If you watch closely, you’ll see that every year a new leaf sprouts with its own unique look. [Here’s more about our FD Party Tree]
Come to our Discussion Boards where the day and several days after are filled with the best that a virtual party can offer. It doesn’t end until it stops! No one can ever be too late, so you can arrive precisely when you mean to.
Everyone is invited to join in — so don’t be shy! Look for special party threads clearly identified (**20FD) in the subject line on our message board posts on Main, Off Topic, LotR Movie Discussion and Reading Room. Hunt around, find a party game you like, or a conversation you enjoy, and dive in! You can even order a virtual drink at Fiesta Friday. Plus Barliman’s chat and our facebook page are always open and welcome both old friends and new visitors… so why not drop in and say Hi!?
In fact, throughout this special year of TORn’s 20th Anniversary, there will be many posts looking at our past events, spotlights on all things Tolkien and Middle-earth, and nostalgic visits of our Community’s past exploits. The entries will begin with this year’s flag **20FD for easy access.
A list of this year’s games can be found right here. There’s a complete list of past years’ Parties down below.
Here’s to our Founders: Corvar, Xoanon, Tehanu, Calisuri!
Happy 20th TORniversary, TheOneRing.net!!
As part of our celebration, every year we reprise posting the TORn “Valaquenta” shown here. The “Valaquenta“ was written by member Alassëa Eruvende and set most beautifully to paper by our dear friend Daniel Reeve, calligrapher and artist for Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings and Hobbit movies. Enjoy!
Collection of All Founders Day Party Posts
10th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2009
11th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2010
12th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2011
13th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2012
14th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2013
15th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2014
16th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2015
17th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2016
18th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2017
19th Anniversary and Founders Day Collection, 2018