Since TORn’s beginning early in 1999, Corvar (William R. Thomas) has been the mystery man behind the scenes working on TheOneRing.net’s server from where he lives in Wisconsin. A computer programming professional who, along with Calisuri (Chris Pirrotta), is the guy responsible for making sure that everything runs smoothly and the lights stay on. Corvar’s vast programming knowledge in the ever-changing computer field ensures that TheOneRing.net keeps clipping along without a hitch. But when we do hitch… he’s the one they call.

In his own words: “Currently, I am the co-webmaster of a very large website devoted to the Lord of the Rings in general and the Lord of the Rings movies especially. TheOneRing.net is still in my mind considered a hobby because I do it in my free time and it is mostly fun. As one of the two webmasters, I am completely in charge of the server and do most of the scripting for the site, while Calisuri, the other half, does all of the visual design aspects and HTML work. To sum up my experiences working on the website so far, it’s been a crazy ride, and I just hope that it doesn’t come to an abrupt halt. ” In the early years, it was also said he could be found idle in Barliman’s chat while trying to find a way to implement Calisuri’s latest crazy idea. Even though Corvar’s responsibilities and contribution keeps him behind the scenes most of the time, he’s still front and center at TORn’s vast Convention activity. Comic-con; DragonCon; TORn’s own ORC, Oscar Parties… Corvar is a dependable and amusing presence who can always be counted on.

While Peter Jackson was fighting to get The Hobbit films made, TORn was working with him on many levels to help in that effort. At the 2007 DragonCon Tolkien Track program, TORn arranged a special Making the Hobbit Happen panel presented by Corvar, fellow Founder Calisuri and Senior Staffer MrCere. There were so many reservations for the event, a second presentation was scheduled. The hall was packed… and they were great! (I was there and in awe!)

Corvar also has a more grounded background with more serious interests: “I have been actively on the Internet since the late 80’s… …On a weekly basis, I play role-playing games. The staples of our gaming group are D&D 3rd Edition (D20) and Call of Cthulhu (non-D20). In the past, I have played other games including Vampire, GURPS, and a slew of others. I have been playing D&D for over half of my life, so I guess at this point it could be said that I enjoy the game quite a bit.”
Many, many thanks to Corvar for sticking to this fantastic journey and hanging in there with us. *bows deeply* You show your quality every day.
[[Info for this gtky can be found on the Random Quote section of TORn’s early Staff page]]