This weekend, Hall of Fire turns to one of Tolkien’s most enigmatic and mysterious creations — Entwives.
Entwives and the Brown Lands‘You never see any, hm, any Ents round there do you?’ he asked. ‘Well, not Ents, Entwives I should really say.’
‘Entwives?’ said Pippin. ‘Are they like you at all?’
Ents and Entwives — the Onodrim — are creation of the Vala Yavanna and among the oldest of living creatures. Entwives, in particular, have long been an object of fascination for Tolkien fans. But what do we really know about them and their fate?
Are they a derivation of Green Man myths and legends? What did happen in the Brown Lands? Did any Entwives actually escape, and might they really be found near the Sea of Rhun as recently intimated in a map that Tolkien may have annotated for a reader in 1971?

Time zone conversions
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6.00pm ET (New York)
5.00pm CT (Chicago)
4.00pm MT (Denver)
3.00pm PT (Los Angeles)
11.00pm GMT (London)
Midnight CEST (Paris)
1.00am EEST (Helsinki)
8.00am AEST (Sunday) Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne
11am NZST (Sunday) Wellington
How long do your topic chats go for?
Our chats usually last 45 mins to an hour, and are very newbie friendly. Simply drop in and join the conversation! However, our main room, is open 24 hours a day. We don’t always talk Tolkien there, but if you have a burning question, you’ll usually find one or two of “the regulars” up for a chat!
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