This weekend, we’re resuming our Fellowship of the Ring read-through in Hall of Fire as the Fellowship sets out from Rivendell on the long journey to Mordor.
“Now the tale of Nine is filled. In seven days the company must depart.”
Book Two, Chapter Three: The Ring Goes South
A fellowship of nine walkers sets forth with the One Ring: Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn, Boromir, Merry, and Pippin. Elrond is hesitant to send the last two, but relents after Gandalf points out that even an Elf-lord’s power would guarantee success, and that Merry’s and Pippin’s feelings of loyalty to Frodo count for much.
The first leg of the journey takes them to the Redhorn Gate, a pass through the Misty Mountains. But, brave and valiant as they are, a snowstorm on the slopes of Caradhras cruels their chances, and forces them back. The snow stops soon after they retreat. Bad luck?
As Gimli notes, it seems as though some force — Caradhras has a reputation for capricious weather — does not want them to pass. They are defeated not by the armies of Sauron, but by nature itself.
Join us tomorrow (May 19) at 6.00pm ET (New York time), when we’ll discuss all this and much more!

The Company attempts the Pass of Caradhras by Ted Nasmith.
Time zone conversions
Not sure what time the chat will be where you are? Our handy conversion table can help! Alternatively, this event announcement on Time and Date will tell you when it’s on in your city.
6.00pm ET (New York)
5.00pm CT (Chicago)
4.00pm MT (Denver)
3.00pm PT (Los Angeles)
11.00pm GMT (London)
Midnight CEST (Paris)
1.00am EEST (Helsinki)
9.00am AEST (Sunday) Brisbane,
10.00am AEDT (Sunday) Sydney, Melbourne
Midday NZDT (Sunday) Wellington
How long do your topic chats go for?
Our chats usually last 45 mins to an hour, and are very newbie friendly. Simply drop in and join the conversation! However, our main room, is open 24 hours a day. We don’t always talk Tolkien there, but if you have a burning question, you’ll usually find one or two of “the regulars” up for a chat!
Where — connection details
Chat happens on #thehalloffire on — the TORn IRC server. You can connect instantly using our Mibbit client that works inside your web browser.
Alternatively, you can install a dedicated chat program such as mIRC on your computer and just plug in the following connection details.
Port: 6667
Channel: #thehalloffire