Ainu Laire: Guess what that armor looks like? *pause* Yea. Last Alliance armor. *rimshot*
Quickbeam: That’s a lot of brass polish.

Garfeimao: Thorin actually looks worried here, like he’s just realizing what the consequences will be of his actions.
greendragon: Thror-in. 🙂
Aragorn the Elfstone: Dragon-sickness or no, I would follow this King Under the Mountain to the ends of the earth. As a man with a penchant for dying onscreen once said: “…my brother, my captain, my King.”
Quickbeam: King Under the Mountain has taken up his Grandfather’s throne yet what a heavy crown to bear….. I delight in the forced geometry of this Dwarven culture. Great stuff from the designers at WETA.
Demosthenes: I noticed Thorin shudder slightly here. Whether through tension, fear or uncertainty, I’m not sure.

Kelvarhin: This shot reminds me of the scene between Elrond and Aragorn in the camp of the Rohirrim in ROTK.
grammaboodawg: Thranduil has issues with Gandalf. It will be interesting to see what his problem is. Makes me believe Thranduil is still out for his own interests.
Garfeimao: Thranduil schooling Gandalf in the consequences of his action that set up this entire scenario in the first place. Gandalf does look depressed at seeing what has happened in Erebor while he was elsewhere and how things spiraled out of control so terribly.
greendragon: Interesting. Will Gandalf have feelings of guilt, for urging Thrain and then Thorin to take back Erebor? His goal was to prevent Smaug being a weapon the enemy could use; but by driving Smaug out, was he simply playing into Sauron’s masterplan? The road to Mordor is paved with good intentions…
Elessar: Thranduil being a bit of an arrogant jerk to Gandalf. He’s a fairly unlikeable character and I see why Legolas is the way he is at the start of FOTR.
Aragorn the Elfstone: I’m struck by the dynamic at play here. Thranduil practically condemning Gandalf for starting this entire chain of events – yet feeling no desire to stem the tide. McKellen looks to be playing this magnificently – showing Gandalf’s guilt at not fully realizing how matters could spin out of control.
Ainu Laire: Thranduil leaves unsaid ‘I want my gold too, gosh darn it.’ Then he looks to Bard and adds, ‘And, uh, help them rebuild. Yes. Totally.’
Quickbeam: Thranduil may be the only royalty in all of Middle-earth to give Gandalf such hostile back-talk!
Calisuri: My favorite scene in the trailer — Thranduil acting like the authoritative parent.
Sarumann: “You started this. You will forgive me if I finish it.” Thranduil REALLY wants those jewels!

Kelvarhin: They really loved showing off the Elven army didn’t they? Would have liked to have seen a bit more of the Dwarven one.
Garfeimao: The precision of an Elven company of archers is awe inspiring. But I no longer believe they are shooting at the gate of Erebor.
greendragon: I’m not loving all the CGI elves – again, they look like clones.

Quickbeam: Where do the Extras end and the computer ranks begin?

Kelvarhin: Shame that this is the only image we have of the Dwarven army this time around. Really big arrows they’re firing there. Can’t help thinking, “I bet they wished they’d had them in Erebor before Smaug arrived” 😉
grammaboodawg: Now THOSE definitely look Dwarf-made. Ouch!
Garfeimao: These giant spear throwing siege engines appear to be Dwarfish in make, rather than Orcish, and with the long wooden hitch in the front, this could very well be the device that the Rams are pulling in what originally looked like a Chariot, but was really a siege engine being taken to the battlefield. Those also appear to be fully armored Dwarfs working the engines, rather than Orcs. So the question is, do they let loose on the Elves, who are firing at something to the left of the entrance to Erebor, or has a new target come into view just as they two armies were squaring off.
greendragon: Is this our one shot in the trailer of the Iron Hill dwarves? (I kind of like that they’re saving Dain for a big reveal in the film itself! Nice to have some secrets held back!)
Aragorn the Elfstone: BAGPIPES!!!
Ainu Laire: Dwarvish war machines. I look forward to this.
Quickbeam: This weaponry must DEFINITELY be from the Iron Hills. Great take on a “Leonardo’s Crossbow.”
Demosthenes: Surely Iron Hill dwarves. Note the towbar at the front of the ballistae. Something hauls these along. Wargoats, perhaps? The large wheel diametre also indicates they are designed to cross rough terrain.