grammaboodawg: Bilbo, all alone and threatened to be caught at any moment, sneaking toward the “enemy camp”. I was SO hoping this would be kept intact in the film… so brave, so selfless…a time where he shows his quality.
Elessar: Bilbo sneaking out with the Arkenstone! Awesome!!
Quickbeam: Quite the little monkey, aren’t you, Master Baggins?
Sarumann: Bilbo is running off. Probably with a certain Arkenstone tucked inside his jacket.

Kelvarhin: The sadness in Dwalin’s eyes as he stares at Thorin is heartbreaking, as he says “Bilbo is right, you cannot see what you have become!” For one who had known Thorin for so many years, it must have been tearing him apart.
Garfeimao: Dwalin at his most emotional, admitting to Thorin that Bilbo is right, his voice breaking as he says this. The last Dwarf you would expect to disagree with Thorin, and you can see it is tearing him apart inside.
greendragon: Nice to see one of the dwarves get a ‘moment’; and it is really compelling to see Dwalin, who one felt would follow Thorin ‘to whatever end’, begin to doubt. For me, it is the strong cast and the excellent acting which really makes these films; that is much more powerful than any amount of CGI.
Elessar: Dwalin’s disappointment coming through loud and clear. Sadly Thorin won’t be hearing any of it.
Aragorn the Elfstone: What a journey these characters have been on. “Bilbo is right. You cannot see what you have become.” Such a phrase I could not have pictured Dwalin saying (and in this way) at the start of the trilogy. Graham McTavish sells this moment so wonderfully. Like The Return of the King, this will be the most emotional chapter of the trilogy.
Ainu Laire: I actually liked this line. Thorin definitely got a little greedy in the book as well, so one of the Dwarves noticing it really helps bring out their own personalities.
Quickbeam: Nice delivery, Mr. McTavish
Demosthenes: Mate against mate. State against state. You know it’s all falling apart when your unquestioning lieutenant, Dwalin, tells you you’ve lost it. The previous two films have built up friendships and loyalties — this one will stretch them to breaking point and beyond.
Sarumann: “You cannot see what you have become.” It’s Dwalin’s turn to tell Thorin he’s wrong.

J.W. Braun: This is a rare case of Jackson putting the background out of focus to put all the attention on a character.
Garfeimao: Thorin walking alone in the treasure filled hall. Pretty sure this is not the same sequence with Dwalin because it appears they were much closer together in the previous bit, so not sure who or what Thorin looks up at. This just seems to echo the images that Thorin had of his grandfather Thror slowly sinking into madness with the Dragon Sickness.
Aragorn the Elfstone: It’s interesting, I think, that we see more images of Thorin appearing vulnerable than angry or upset (though I’m sure there will be plenty of that). As one who was initially quite unhappy with the casting of a younger Thorin, Richard Armitage has proved me wrong at every turn. Here is a tragic figure who I can’t help but be emotionally invested in.

Kelvarhin: *starts singing* “Everything I do, I do it for you!!” Sorry, every time I hear this bit, I just hear the Bryan Adams song, takes me out of it a wee bit to be honest.
Garfeimao: Different scene with Thorin, claiming everything he has done, he’s done for them. I can only assume he is referring to Fili and Kili, since they are his heirs.
greendragon: To whom is Thorin referring: ‘…I did for them’? The juxtaposition to the next shot suggests Fili and Kili, but there has never before been any suggestion that Thorin is doing this to reclaim the homeland for his nephews. I would think rather he means Thror and Thrain; in AUJ he says as much to Balin, in his, ‘There is no choice’ speech at Bag End. They have handed down to him a duty, a responsibility, and he feels drive to fulfill that destiny. I HOPE that’s what he means – suddenly making it about his nephews would be incongruous, imho.
Elessar: Thorin talking to Dwalin? Giving him the answer of I’m sure that he’s ok.

Kelvarhin: All together fan-girls: “Awwww!!!” Prepare your tissues.
Garfeimao: This looks like one of the few happy moments we will get in the film, with the reunion of Thorin with Kili, whom he must have thought would perish from either his injury or the fact that Smaug laid siege to Laketown.
Justin: The Hobbit trilogy begins and ends with a headbutt.
greendragon: Nice Maori moment.
Aragorn the Elfstone: PJ lulling the audience into a false sense of security with regard to the Dwarves’ inner circle.
Ainu Laire: I assume Thorin’s line here refers to his nephews, who are of course in line to be king after him… you know… if things went according to plan…
Quickbeam: Next of kin also means next-in-line for tragedy….. Just sayin’
Sarumann: “Everything I did, I did for them.” You’re deflecting, Thorin. Somebody needs a hug.

Garfeimao: Elves line up in battle formation so darned perfectly, and very reminiscent of the battle with Sauron 3 millennia earlier.
greendragon: Wow those elves stand in seriously straight lines!
Elessar: That is a lot of angry Elves.
Aragorn the Elfstone: Ladies and gentlemen, Peter Jackson. *stares awestruck*
Sarumann: Hi. Can we borrow a cup of sugar? Sorry, was the giant army too intimidating?