J.W. Braun: Love the armored guard statues built into the wall.
grammaboodawg: This shows more detail of how Erebor seems to be surrounded by carved dwarves and not just as an adornment of the entrances.
Garfeimao: I love the detail of the smaller Dwarf statues down at the bottom of the front entrance. I just hope we get a nice, long and lingering panning shot of the whole front entrance area.
MrCere: Obviously symbolic of the destruction of the dwarven kingdom. I wouldn’t be surprised that when these shots are used they will be symbolic of the bigger cracking and crumbling of dwarven kind.
Aragorn the Elfstone: I, like many others, lament the absence of “bigatures” in the new trilogy. However, at the same time, I can’t help but marvel at what they are able to accomplish with CGI. The architecture in The Hobbit films has looked remarkable and very photo-realistic. Once again, my hat goes off to the wizards at WETA Digital.

grammaboodawg: What a great POV of the Dwarves looking across to what looks like the remains of Dale.
greendragon: I wonder how Thorin feels, watching the destruction they triggered? ‘Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown…’
Aragorn the Elfstone: Those seem to be fires lighting the old ruins of Dale. Thorin seems to be contemplating who it may be.
Quickbeam: Dale has now been resettled with the survivors of Esgaroth on the Long Lake; and any manner of additional Elves and Wizards might be there by now, too.

Garfeimao: Thorin states “Now, we defend it”, not really sounding defiant, not just yet. This is almost matter-of-fact, he has not been challenged just yet.
Aragorn the Elfstone: Even before “they” arrive, he is already determined to defend what he feels is his.
Demosthenes: I agree that this is stated matter-of-factly. Thorin hasn’t gone totally loopy yet here. Also note, there’s an awful lot of Thorin so far in this trailer. More Thorin than anyone else — especially Bilbo. Is that healthy for a film called The Hobbit?
Sarumann: “You’ve won the mountain. Is that not enough?” “Now, we defend it.” One of the first signs of a despot is succumbing to paranoia and seeing enemies everywhere.

J.W. Braun: The Elves are so prepared for battle they even have a coat-rack.
grammaboodawg: There’s the mighty Elk… Thranduil’s ride. Bard is at even status with Thranduil as the Elves approach Erebor.
Garfeimao: It’s fascinating watching the Elves part for the arrival of Thranduil on the War Moose. Not sure how they do it, their backs are turned, but they peel off one by one on both sides. Actually, they are doing similar to Bard on his horse.
greendragon: I don’t think anyone told the moose that you should never look directly into camera during filming… Also, every armoured elf in this picture seems to have the same face; Attack of the Clones?!
Elessar: You can’t cause this much trouble and not expect folks to be upset.
MrCere: I will leave it to others to gush about the elk, I know they will, but I sure do love seeing legions of elves standing together in uniform armor. Now, if Legolas has taught us anything, it is that these superheroes of Middle-earth should be made to stand together in formation where they can easily be mowed down, but these armies make one think that something about Legolas and Thranduil and Tauriel makes them the Avengers while everybody else in Elf-land is much less gifted. This isn’t a complaint at all, but they are just not like everybody else.
Aragorn the Elfstone: Lots of identical twins in that Elven Army of yours, Thranduil.
Ainu Laire: I’ll be honest- I was hoping we had seen the last of that moose. I am not terribly pleased to see it again. I think it looks ridiculous. This may be made up only if he uses it as a war-steed and it gets orcs caught in its antlers. Possibly.
Quickbeam: Total geekgasm here watching that immense WARMOOSE make its way through the ranks without seeming to squish any Elven troops along the way… Impressively light on his hooves, eh?
Demosthenes: The Hobbit: Warmoose versus Warpig is totally on. Soundtrack brought to you by Black Sabbath. Very excited for this. Probably will be the highlight of the film apart from purist-trolling Galadalf shipper shenannigans at Dol Guldur.
Sarumann: It’s hard to see a giant moose as an intimidating steed, but Thranduil somehow pulls it off.

J.W. Braun: Is one of these windows the one Bard is looking through earlier in the trailer?
grammaboodawg: It’s interesting how different this fortified balcony looks so different from the one everyone stood upon when Smaug first appeared.
Garfeimao: Thorin and Fili look defiant, Kili looks intense, but not quite defiant, as though he’s just dreading what’s coming next. And I’m not sure why so many of the dwarves chose Pikes as weapons, they don’t do any good up on the walls overlooking an attacking army. Pikes are for infantry, when they encounter an opposing infantry or a cavalry. Plant the bottom of the pike against your foot, drop it down a bit and spear anything that runs into it, or carry it before you and spear anything that runs into it. But what good is it 100 feet above that opposing army?
Justin: Bofur, if you can’t see the camera, it can’t see you.
Elessar: This is one of those moments I’ve been looking forward to through these films. Seeing Thorin in full dragon sickness digging his heels in not giving up any gold is going to be awesome.
Aragorn the Elfstone: Even ridiculously outnumbered, the Dwarves of Erebor still appear to be a force to be reckoned with.
Demosthenes: No Thorin does look a bit mad. Contemptuous, even.
Sarumann: Again, move to your right, Bofur! Why are you so afraid of the camera?

grammaboodawg: *goosebumps* The Last Alliance mirrored. Fantastic! These elves have dark hair.
Garfeimao: A whole lotta death and pain about to rain down on someone. Elven archers are nothing to sneeze at.
MrCere: That is a fearsome lot of arrows. As much as Thorin is mad and a jerk, Thranduil is using a whole lot of force over his hurt pride and a necklace? Jerk face.
Aragorn the Elfstone: …or maybe not.
Ainu Laire: They totally took this shot from The Last Alliance unused footage and put it here instead. *shifty eyes*
Sarumann: Nice call back to the Elf armies from the Battle of the Last Alliance.