Kelvarhin: I really don’t think all the fan-girls are ready for this.
Garfeimao: Thorin and Azog still locked in battle.
Aragorn the Elfstone: I honestly cannot guess how this confrontation will end. Putting the book aside, I really want Armitage’s Thorin to get some payback here.
Quickbeam: Every villain you can imagine is portrayed many times in this trailer….
…….. but still no SMAUG.
Demosthenes: All signs point to the resolution for Five Armies being on Ravenhill.
Calisuri: Azog about to take out Thorin?
Sarumann: A little taste of the epic Azog/Thorin throw-down.
Garfeimao: The Men of Laketown not backing down from the Orc army, even though they are not armored up.
Aragorn the Elfstone: The people of Laketown charging Orcs in battle armor. Sadly, I can’t see that ending well for them.
Ainu Laire: Random men of Lake-town fighting? That’s pretty neat. They should really think about armor, though. Shame the Elves couldn’t lend some out.
Quickbeam: What do you want to bet that the poor Laketown guys in this shot are mincemeat within seconds? These Orcs are more prorperly weaponed and armored up.
Garfeimao: Wow, Cave Trolls are just getting uglier.
Ainu Laire: What is that thing and why is it haunting my dreams.
Quickbeam: The grotesque variety of ugly faces found within Troll-kind never ceases to amaze me.
Calisuri: That’s a pretty cool character design — from this angle.
Garfeimao: Bard in an out of control wagon, about to careen into a big Troll.
Ainu Laire: Kill it with the cart, Bard! Kill it with the cart!
Quickbeam: Mystery Solved! It is actually Bard riding in that crazy wagon. The ruins of Dale perhaps in the background?
Demosthenes: The tone of the trailer has been very sombre, then they have to throw in this car chase moment. I guess it’s the corrolary of the dwarves’ war chariot.
Calisuri: Ahhh, the little used No. 57 on the ‘100 ways to dispatch an Orc’ — The cart attack.
Sarumann: Battle Wagon is ready for some troll slaughter!
Garfeimao: Bilbo pulls out the Ring and considers his decision for a moment.
Aragorn the Elfstone: Bilbo’s about to place the Ring on his finger. Will we still get some element of him being knocked out following this and not seeing the end of the battle?
Quickbeam: Isildur’s Bane…….
Calisuri: The One Ring to rule them all.