Kelvarhin: I know a few of our disqus regulars who’re really going to enjoy this bit…
Garfeimao: Speaking of Bolg tossing Tauriel around like a rag doll, here it is. So is this how she gets on the ground and will Bolg be standing above her with a sword, or does she survive this?
greendragon: So does Thorin kill Azog, and then Bolg attacks Thorin – who is defended by his nephews – who are defended by Tauriel?
Elessar: Bolg going to work on Tauriel. He’s a nasty dude.
Ainu Laire: I am Bolg! I should have been the star of the show, but my dad stole the role by being alive for a couple hundred years longer than originally.
Quickbeam: Bolg can’t seem to stop his last fight from the end of the last film.
Calisuri: No way Bolg could ever take out Tauriel — but whatever, we’ll go with it. Color me disappointed if this is in fact her end.

Aragorn the Elfstone: Despite widespread speculation to the contrary, I’m going to say that I think Tauriel survives this encounter. I actually don’t think she’ll be biting the dust in the film.
Quickbeam: The abuse and stuntwork required on the physical body just to get these shots…… I mean, seriously…… Unless it’s one of those tricksy CG things, my precious can’t be fooled…..!
Demosthenes: So, Bolg is on Ravenhill too. Maybe the whole climax where the characters in fact, sort each other out, happens here. So that Thorin offs Azog, then Bolg offs Kili, Fili and severely hurts Tauriel so that Legolas steps in (see the screencaps below). But if so, how does Beorn figure into things? Lots of puzzle pieces here.
Sarumann: Bolg really has a thing for throwing Elves around, doesn’t he?

Garfeimao: Gandalf’s “How shall this day end?” is he talking to Thorin or to the assembled Elves and Men of Laketown? Is this about choosing peace, making alliances, or is he rousing the suddenly overwhelmed troops?
Justin: We know this dialog are two seperate lines from different scenes, the first part “now is the time where you must decide what side youre on” in reference to the coming war.
Elessar: Gandalf once again being the voice of reason. I love this character so much. I wish people were actually this level headed.
Aragorn the Elfstone: No matter what issues I may have had regarding the making of these films, Peter Jackson is giving me Gandalf the Grey delivering an epic pre-battle speech. That’s all I could ever ask for.
Ainu Laire: Man, I love Gandalf the Grey so much. I don’t care what he does here, I love him.
Sarumann: “How shall this day end?” Probably with a lot of exhaustion?

Garfeimao: Yipes, it’s Legolas in one on one battle with Bolg, who also has a skull codpiece, ugh. So, is this after Bolg beats up on Tauriel? And does this mean that Beorn does not join in the battle? I so wanted Beorn to take down Bolg because of his choice of shoulder armor (bear claws from Changelings).
greendragon: … and then Tauriel is defended (unsuccessfully, methinks) by Legolas.
Elessar: Legolas in round two with Bolg. I bet it doesn’t work out for Bolg this time and I bet its after Bolg has killed Tauriel.
Quickbeam: Legolas/Bolg redux. Just expect by the time this fight sequence is over in BOTFA one of these characters will finally be really dead. Just one, though. Can you guess?
Calisuri: So after Bolg dispatches Tauriel (Blarg – that sucks), Legolas gets his revenge for his bff’s death.
Sarumann: Legolas is getting brutal revenge for that bloody nose Bolg gave him!

Aragorn the Elfstone: Has Legolas just delivered the death blow to Bolg? I hope not. That’s for someone else to do, Blondie.

Garfeimao: The last moment of peace for the people of Laketown, they sleep through the battle in the Mountain, which is now glowing from Dragon Fire and the Forges, about to spew out the Chiefest of Calamities.
greendragon: Beautiful shot – but pre Smaug attack, so must be right at the start of the film (if indeed it’s in this film at all, and not just being used for the trailer). I do LOVE the look of Lake-town.
Aragorn the Elfstone: If we’re placing bets, I want to say that this will be the opening shot of the film.
Ainu Laire: !!! The line from the book where the mountain glowed gold/orange! Alright, I forgive you PJ for anything else that happens in the film that I may dislike. So long as this scene is there. Bonus points if Random Extra says something about gold.