Kelvarhin: Huh? Azog’s prostethic arm has turned into a sword? Sorry, I just keep thinking of the Borg from Star Trek.
greendragon: Not a fan of Azog’s ‘sword arm’. I could just about accept that he’d stuck a fork in this wounded arm and the wound healed around it; but the idea that he can swap it out for other weapons is – um – silly…
Aragorn the Elfstone: I’m ambivalent about Azog’s sword arm, but I LOVE the armor. The character design works much better for me with armor, I must say.
Quickbeam: the Gang’s All Here!

J.W. Braun: The defining moment of the Middle-earth legend? Good to see hyperbole is still alive and well in movie trailers.
Aragorn the Elfstone: I’ll have to agree with J.W. here. I’m anticipating this film as much as anyone, but the “defining moment” came 11 years ago with a little film called The Return of the King.
Ainu Laire: … until we make a remake a decade or two later, because that is what we do.
Sarumann: First it was The Middle-earth Saga. Now it’s The Middle-earth Legend. Just pick a tag line and stick to it!

Garfeimao: Bilbo and the dwarves observe Lake-town burning, knowing they unleashed the Dragon’s fury on all those people, which now includes four of their companions too. Not sure if they will be able to see what happens to Smaug.
Justin: Early in the film.
greendragon: A beautiful shot. Lake-town burns; surely from very early in the film?
Ainu Laire: Something is on fire. I wonder what that could be? Oh, probably just a couple of bushes, guys, it’s ok… I’m sure Lake-town is perfectly all right…

Garfeimao: Bard still trying not to fall during Smaug’s attack.
Aragorn the Elfstone: For some reason, I keep hearing the climactic music from the end of Aliens (“Bishop’s Countdown”) when I see this shot.
Ainu Laire: You kill that dragon, Bard. You kill him.
Quickbeam: Luke Evans, just a Welsh lad having the time of his life, ladies and gentlemen.

Kelvarhin: I’ve seen a lot of speculation that Tauriel is holding someone in this scene, but to me it just looks like she’s huddling on the ground after being balled-out by Thranduil, perhaps clutching the remains of her bow to her chest.
Garfeimao: Tauriel on the ground, looking very sad and possibly a little injured. Not sure if this is after Thranduil’s anger, or maybe after Bolg has tossed her around a bit.
greendragon: Whom is Tauriel holding here? I’m guessing Kili… WISH we could see more of this shot – I think this contains a big spoiler, if only we could ‘scroll down’!!
Elessar: Tauriel mortally wounded?
Aragorn the Elfstone: I think Tauriel is definitely holding Kili here. But who is she looking up to?
Quickbeam: Kili must be dead in her arms at this point. I’m guessing.
Demosthenes: From the iciness of the flagstones, this is another Ravenhill scene. Could be remorse toward Thranduil but I think that scene happens in Dale. That makes me think it’s something else. Considering the dwarves are also fighting on the Ravenhill, maybe it’s something to do with a certain hotdwarf.
Calisuri: Are we sure those feet are dwarven? She could very well be injured, looking up from the ground and about to die.

Garfeimao: Thorin’s arms are upraised, a gesture to the other dwarves up on the parapet. But is this in exaltation at taking the mountain, or frustration at not finding the Arkentstone?
Aragorn the Elfstone: This is definitely a continuation of the shot from earlier in the trailer. Looks now to be occurring early in the film – a moment of victory for Thorin (in his mind, at least). Does he not yet know what his actions have caused?
Ainu Laire: I wonder if he shall start to swim in it. Goodness knows I would certainly attempt it at least once. Might be a bit anticlimatic to drown in gold halfway through the film, though.
Demosthenes: So, who’s Mr Nigel no-mates?
Calisuri: ‘I’m the King of the World!’