Kelvarhin: I’m going to find it very hard not to cheer out loud when this guy buys it. I know other TORn-staff love him, but I’m not one of them, he had no place in these films.
greendragon: Isn’t Azog dead yet? Man I wish he’d died back at Azanulbizar. Sorry; love Manu Bennet, hate this character.
Elessar: Azog looks great. The level of detail in him is as good as anything Weta has done, IMO.
Aragorn the Elfstone: I guess I’ll raise my hand and be the guilty party here. I like Azog’s impact on the films. I didn’t warm to his presence until The Desolation of Smaug, but I like how he’s been worked into the story.
Ainu Laire: Orc whose name the majority of movie goers forgot reappears!
Quickbeam: Feels and looks more “World of Warcraft” in this particular shot.
Calisuri: Azog, right? Looks a lot more detailed than previous movies.
Sarumann: Oh hi, Azog! Almost forgot you were still a part of this!

Ainu Laire: *cough*NotTrue*cough*
Sarumann: So, first it was the defining chapter. Now it’s the defining moment. That seems a bit too specific.

Garfeimao: This appears to be Thorin, alone again, overlooking some frozen stretch of river on the side of the mountain. In fact, that appears to be a frozen waterfall in the foreground, wonder what the purpose of this place is in warmer weather.
greendragon: Where is this? I don’t quite understand the weather patterns of this part of Middle-earth – how there are totally frozen places just a few miles away from sunny, warm places (as we see in DoS – when the dwarves leave Mirkwood and are suddenly surrounded by icebergs…)
Aragorn the Elfstone: Is that Azog across the mist?
Quickbeam: Who is that standing there? Bard?
Demosthenes: I think this is the Ravenhill where the Company goes to confront Azog. That is definitely Thorin by the water’s edge.

Garfeimao: Cave Troll, with a giant mace, don’t think I’d want to get in his way.
Justin: This guy looks like Tom Wilkinson from Batman Begins.
greendragon: This is the kind of stuff I could happily do without in these films. Really not loving these weird CGI characters.
Elessar: That dude is ugly.
Aragorn the Elfstone: Here is where you can see why PJ has turned to liking CG creatures in the films. You just can’t get this kind of unique body shape with prosthetics.
Ainu Laire: What IS that thing? A half troll? Whatever it is, it is ugly to a T. This is why crossbreeding is bad, mmk Sauron?
Quickbeam: Good morning, beautiful.
Calisuri: There’s that Cave Troll Master guy. Um…not sure why we highlight such a poorly executed character (He reminds me of Gothmog from ROTK).

Garfeimao: This appears to be Bilbo facing these 4 Orcs, with Dwalin right behind him. Bilbo either ducks or puts on his ring while he’s ducking and Dwalin comes in behind and swings at that first Orc. Did not expect to see Bilbo with the Dwarves during any of the conflict, not sure what’s going on here.
greendragon: Dwalin comes to Bilbo’s rescue?
Ainu Laire: Bilbo leading the battle. Yikes. Don’t kill yourself, Bilbo.
Quickbeam: Definitely we have Bard and Bilbo getting face-to-face with Bolg’s little group, I suspect this shot can be tied to the other reaction shot of Bilbo we saw in the previous teaser trailer. Check the snowy arches and the environment around them.
Calisuri: Watch out for the CG orcs Bilbo! Man what I’d give to see Lawrence Makoare back in the fold in REAL effects.

Kelvarhin: Lead up to tissue time.
Garfeimao: Thorin going head to head with Azog, who has replaced the pitchfork in his severed arm with a sword blade. BTW, the Defiler is now wearing armor, which includes a codpiece shaped like a face. Ugh.
greendragon: I so hope Thorin actually finishes the job and kills Azog this time.
Elessar: Thorin and Azog going at it again. Didn’t work out so well this time and I don’t expect it will this time. I love the armor and sword arm thing Azog has on.
Aragorn the Elfstone: This really is going to be movie full of epic showdowns, isn’t it? *claps geekily*
Demosthenes: Thorin versus Azog on Ravenhill. Ravenhill seems to be mostly icebound and icy, and the architecture is very different from the style of Dale. Question is, will Azog escape yet again for a final clash in front of Erebor? Or will Thorin kill him leaving only the big and ultimately fatal confrontation with Bolg?