[Demosthenes] Thranduil also says “I came to reclaim something of mine”.
[jenniearcheo] thing
[Demosthenes] That seems to be the conclusion of that tiny sequence
[gothmog] thranduil wants those gems
[smaugth3drag0n] Is he is Dale? Who is he speaking to?
[perry] someone explained that “thing” was his wife’s jewel, acquired by Thrain. Is that true
[Demosthenes] is it the gems?
[DuBekar] Or maybe he’s reclaiming Tauriel?
[jenniearcheo] He appears to be mounted on the Warmoose when he delivers that line
[DuBekar] Lol.
[ashwise] I wonder what it is thranduil wants
[Demosthenes] DuBekar: also a good guess
[gothmog] remember a lot of that gold has come from laketown and the woodland realm through tade and that
[smaugth3drag0n] It actually could be Tauriel. Is this after she died?
[butterfly] The white gems in AUJ extended edition?
[smaugth3drag0n] If she dies.
[jenniearcheo] In the “denied” scene with the box that we got before, it looked just like a box of jewels. But apparently there’s a necklace in there.
[Demosthenes] smaugth3drag0n: i believe it is pre-battle.
[perry] why would Tauriel be in the mountain?
[jenniearcheo] It’s hard to see without freezing it.
[elentari3018] i’m not sure what Thranduil is looking for
[elentari3018] it’s an interesting quote
[Demosthenes] perry: i think the line is to Bard
[Barry_barrowwight] A supply line for mithril maybe?
[Demosthenes] not to Thorin
[elentari3018] maybe his pride
[gothmog] also from that movie guide i have, ravenhill will act as like a base for azog
[elentari3018] claim…what could be his? this is dwarf territory
[Demosthenes] gothmog: not really relevant here.
[perry] I know demoth – it isn’t to Thorin . He is explaining his presence to someone else.
[elentari3018] claim Tauriel again? soimeone said this is prebattle
[jenniearcheo] He may be talking to Gandalf, or perhaps to Bard before they ride in together
[butterfly] I think maybe Bard
[jenniearcheo] Oh, it’s all prebattle
[Papagianni] What do you think about Thranduil-Thingol connection?
[gothmog] sorry demo forgot again ill stay on topic!
[Demosthenes] Or Gandalf? that is another option.
[Demosthenes] Papagianni: that’s not really relevant either.
[smaugth3drag0n] It could be Gandalf. His relationship with the wizard is certainly strained at this point.
[jenniearcheo] We see Gandalf ride into Dale in that teaser. It’s not clear when he arrives
[mib_dinvcs] wiil tauriel dies ???????
[jenniearcheo] Is he only just arriving then? When they’re actually gearing for war against . . . who? The dwarves? Has Dain arrived?
[Papagianni] Well I mean about the necklace!
* mib_dinvcs was kicked by Demosthenes (off topic)
[perry] So, Thranduil is not there at battle for any reason helping Laketown – just to get his jewels?
[jenniearcheo] Yes, but PJ can’t mention Thingol, so he’s not in the film
[Demosthenes] stick to the topic at hand please
[jenniearcheo] perry, that’s probably the reason he came to the mountain in the books, too.
[DuBekar] There’s that shot of Thranduil attacking Tauriel, so it’s possible he has a score to settle with her.
[jenniearcheo] He didn’t know the men of Laketown would need assistance until he got there.
[jenniearcheo] I’m sure that comes later
[jenniearcheo] Thranduil was acquisitive in the books
[perry] Well, Legolas left to find Tauriel and may not have returned.
[Puma] and thranduil was not in the book
[Bofur] that shot is thruinduil cutting tauriels bow in half, put it on slowmotion and focus on the piece on the left
[jenniearcheo] Stop whining about the name
[Demosthenes] Next sequence. Gandalf says “this is the last in a master plan”
[Demosthenes] we see a sequence of images ending with bilbo
[Demosthenes] what’s happening here?
[jenniearcheo] Orc armies lined up in ranks
[perry] He is watching the bad guys march out
[Demosthenes] “a plan long in the making”
[butterfly] A whole lot of nasties 🙁
[thatJustin] Gandalf is talking with Thranduil
[Demosthenes] orcs going into caves/tunnels
[smaugth3drag0n] This is very similar to Aragorn before arriving at Helm’s Deep.
[jenniearcheo] Two lookouts on the top of the precipice looking down on them
[AzogTheDefiler] Bilbo might be looking at Lake Town burning and that army is probably infiltrating the mountain
[elentari3018] Love the Bilbo shot
[smaugth3drag0n] I have no idea where this is located, Demosthenes.
[ashwise] maybe gandalf is alluding to weeding the necromancer out?
[Barry_barrowwight] Almost suggests that dwarven reaquisition of the mountain and destruction of smaug was expected
[Demosthenes] Where are these tunnels?
[gothmog] it seems gandald is refering that azog specifically was always planning to attack thorin and the dwarves
[Rantsu] Those tunnels might be near Gundabad
[AzogTheDefiler] Maybe mining tunnels that lead somewhere near the mountain
[jenniearcheo] I thought Erebor was visible in the background, but I may be mistaken
[butterfly] Northern part of the Misty Mountains?
[Bofur] demonsthenes at the feet of ravenhill ?
[smaugth3drag0n] Have we been to this location before in the Rings movie at all?
[gothmog] naa you can see erebor behind the tunnels
[Demosthenes] Wouldn’t they be emerging from Gundabad?
[jenniearcheo] Certainly they’re going in, rather than out of the tunnels
[Demosthenes] not going in?
[Demosthenes] seems counterintuitive
[Rantsu] Well, if it’s just one way to go out of that area
[smaugth3drag0n] I would understand it if they were exiting those holes, but to actually be entering seems very confusing.
[Demosthenes] at around 0:51 you see a glimpse of now-covered mountain behind those hills. could that be Erebor?
[AzogTheDefiler] I think those are just entrances to somewhere near the mountain like mines
[Rantsu] But yeah, most likely they’re near Dale/Erebor
[Demosthenes] the countryside is similare to the Desolation of Smaug
[Demosthenes] in style
[butterfly] yeah, I can see Erebor at the back
[jenniearcheo] Remember, Gandalf is now post-Dol Guldur. He knows the Necromancer was Sauron. He knows there was a hidden army there. He’s telling whoever (presumably Thranduil and Bard) about Sauron’s plan.
[gothmog] those tunnels may have been made a some point by orcs so that when the day came to attack erebor they could
[Demosthenes] an ambush, then?
[gothmog] true jeeniearcheo
[smaugth3drag0n] Is that Erebor? It seems to be just a snow-capped mountain.
[butterfly] Could be that area they passed through when they were looking for the hidden door
[Demosthenes] smaugth3drag0n: it’s hard to tell. it could be.
[jenniearcheo] I’m not sure about the mountain, now
[Puma] in the pj verse its not erebor.it has the wrong geography
[gothmog] in what sense puma
[thatJustin] I think that line hints at a major self realization for Gandalf, that it was Sauron’s intention all along to claim Erebor after the dwarves take back. Gandalf set the dwarves out on journey from a place of goodwill, but it was evil’s plan all along. This sets up his line in FOTR “I would want to use the ring for good, but…”
[smaugth3drag0n] If you have Google Chrome, you could view that image in 60fps to see if it clearer.
[jenniearcheo] True, Puma. I don’t think those tunnels and the surrounding terrain look right for Erebor.
[butterfly] I’m on Chrome, how do I do that?
[Demosthenes] The question is: where is it?
[AzogTheDefiler] I fthey come from Gundabad it makes sense
[Demosthenes] It’s not Dol Guildur
[perry] isn’t there a battle between men and elves before the orcs get to Erebor?
[thatJustin] those are the bat caves
[Puma] erebor had 5 long ridges….on one was ravenhll…dale was in a valley bewtween 2 ridges
[gothmog] it will be a place near erebor i think
[jenniearcheo] The question I have is, “How on earth did Sauron know Gandalf was going to prod Thorin on this quest in the first place?”
[Rantsu] The line also hints, in a very clever way, to the mission of Istari
[smaugth3drag0n] brb…I’ll have the specific url in moments
[Rantsu] To bring together and help those who oppose Sauron
[Puma] and jrr never tells the full mission of the istari
[Rantsu] Gandalf is, after all, the only one who does that in the end.
[gothmog] remember sauron captured thrain who was heading to try and reclaim erebor so its obvious his son might try at one point
[jenniearcheo] True, and we have just seen the White Council at DG
[Demosthenes] the implication of Bilbo in this sequence is that he sees them too
[Demosthenes] Bilbo spots something everyone else does not.
[jenniearcheo] Rantsu: I think Radagast had some part to play
[jenniearcheo] However small
[smaugth3drag0n] Watch this in Google Chrome and use the gear to select 1080p60. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2zItoDHK5M
[jenniearcheo] Bilbo spends a great deal of time noticing things that others do not.
[Rantsu] And his realization of Sauron’s plan and negotiation with Thranduil and others give some serious depth for the whole thing.
[Demosthenes] jennie: true
[Rantsu] And yes, Radagast will definitely do SOMETHING, if nothing else, he will hand over his staff 😉
[Puma] why are you trying to make the pj verse logical….it has no logic
[Rantsu] And that alone is an act of great wisdom. I like to stick with the idea of Radagast thinking that Gandalf will need it more than he.