YouTube recently enabled High Frame Rate (HFR) playback supporting 60 frames per second and the new Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies trailer is the first to take advantage of High Frame Rate. Click to watch the video, and when it starts click on the gear in the lower right and choose 1080p60.
Peter Jackson famously filmed the entire Hobbit trilogy in HFR, and every film has been available in theaters in this unique smooth format.
Gamers used to 60fps love it, cinephiles loathe the change from standard film 24 fps. Fans are growing accustomed to the new HFR smooth movie — and for good reason as many other filmmakers including James Cameron plan to utilize this enhanced film format.
Thanks to 60FpsGoodness for releasing this HFR trailer. Currently this is a “fan-made” video upscaling of the original 24p trailer using tools like Adobe After Effects. Warner Bros. has yet to officially release an HFR trailer but we know Peter Jackson has the footage!
For even more trailer goodness, here’s both BOTFA trailers back-to-back: