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Assorted images: Thorin stares out over the battlements of Erebor (which interestingly also seem to have doubled as Dale — see far back), Fili rides (presumably) one of those war goats, and Mirkwood elves form-up while Lake-town guards lurk in the background.

Assorted images: Jackson shows the crew footage on an i-thingy, consults with various actors over direction, and hands Evangeline Lilly mementos at the conclusion of principal photography.

Assorted images: Bard the bowman.

Peter Jackson and the Company.

Assorted images: Gandalf with Glamdring and glowy staff. Note snow and the bloodied state of the blade: it’s probably at Dale or Erebor.

Bilbo Baggins character photo.
Caption: This page: By the time of the Battle of the Five Armies, Bilbo is a very different hobbit to the one who started this journey. Overleaf: The many faces of Bilbo Baggins, thanks to the brilliant performance of Martin Freeman.

Thorin Oakenshield character photo.

Thorin Oakenshield character photo.
Caption: This page: Adorned in the raiment and golden armour of his ancestors, Richard Armitage as Thorin looks every inch the King under the Mountain. Opposite: Thorin’s obsession to reclaim his homeland will see him isolated from friend and foe alike.

Thorin Oakenshield character photo.
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