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Bard and his allies struggle against a horde of heavily armoured orcs.

Gandalf within the ruins of Dale — and holding the staff that belongs (or belonged) to Radagast. How he got it and why he has it is still anyone’s guess.

Bard and his family pick their way through the snow-covered ruins of Dale. Alfrid (played by Ryan Gage) seems to be in tow, but there is no sign of The Master of Lake-town.

Balin and Dwalin converse somewhere within the bowels of Erebor. TORn staffer Justin suggests that at some point Balin’s desire to go to Moria will come up in conversations, and this scene could be a potential suspect.

Bilbo and Gandalf sit and reflect in the ruins of Dale. A moment of calm before the BOFA storm, perhaps. Or perhaps Bilbo has just handed over the Arkenstone.

Tauriel and Legolas at the Lake-town refugee camp immediately after Smaug burns the town to ashes.

Assorted images: Gandalf slaying an orc; Kili in his golden armour and members of the company all staring out at something.
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