ImladrisRose – Bad-ass red-headed female elf. I’m happy. 🙂
Demosthenes – I thought that the Tauriel material in the first DOS trailer was the strongest, most-interesting part (of an admittedly weak, incoherent trailer). But not this time round. I still can’t work out why I wasn’t taken with the elf bits this time.
Elessar – Don’t mess with Tauriel. I really like what we’ve seen about this character and think she’s going to be quite popular when the movie is over.
Gramma – I cannot WAIT to see Tauriel in action! Deadly speed is coming our way!
greendragon – I’m pretty sure what Tauriel has done here is take the orc’s own sword and use it against him. That doesn’t look like an Elvish blade to me…
Kelvarhin – Tauriel kicking Orcish butt. Really don’t think it would be a good idea to annoy her too much, even if she doesn’t have her knives on her.

ImladrisRose – Arrrgh! For Sparta!!
Gramma – Tauriel, the voice of reason and conscience. She’s teaching the Princeling the things he’ll bring to the Fellowship later on.
MrCere – It would take Elven lifetime to learn how to fight with all that hair!
Sarumann – I don’t care what anybody says, I’m totally on-board with Tauriel. Love the way she kicks ass!
Saystine – Tauriel rocks! I think she is going to be such a great addition.

ImladrisRose – Love the stance and the armor of the standing elf.
greendragon – Loving that elven armour.
Kelvarhin – Attack on the Woodelves by the Orcs. Still not sure about this.
Mithril – Elves fighting Azog. I wonder how they get involved with him since he’s clearly after Thorin. Could he approach Mirkwood to seek Thorin out? But the location looks like the same one as in the first movie.

ImladrisRose – Ugh, just go away already.
Elessar – Azog looks cool but I won’t mind seeing him die.
Kelvarhin – Oh joy… Azog… I know some of the team love him, but personally, I really could’ve done without him. They could have had Bolg tracking them, seeking revenge and kept it closer to the book.
MrCere – I bet this guy is going to groan and roar for the camera because that is what bad guys do. Tauriel is talking about just how tall evil can grow it seems. (Pretty tall.)
Sarumann – Azog: A shot so nice, they used it twice!
Saystine – A cheer for Azog! I love him!

Altaira – Tauriel’s character is going to serve as more than ‘feminine energy.’ I believe her character will advance certain story lines that come later in the movies, such as why Legolas left Mirkwood and traveled to Rivendell (aside from letting Elrond’s council know Gollum had escaped their prison) and, perhaps, what motivated Legolas to join the Fellowship of the Ring to help save Middle-earth.
ImladrisRose – Tauriel seeing Legolas for the first time “Oooooooh”.
Garfeimao – Tauriel is seeing the bigger picture, she’s kinda like Faramir in that regard. Legolas is not entirely sure he cares about what’s outside his forest realm. It is around here somewhere that Legolas says “There is no King Under The Mountain and there never will be”, which sounds remarkably like Boromir’s “Gondor has no King, Gondor needs no King” line.
Kelvarhin – I was very, very sceptical about the addition of Tauriel, but the more I’ve seen of her, the more I’m willing to give her a go. I’m liking what I’ve seen so far.
Sarumann – Tauriel clearly knows what’s up more than any of the other Elves.

ImladrisRose – Legolas “Bitch, please.”
Kelvarhin – Legolas looks like a pouty teenager here, who’s about to storm off to his room! 😀
MrCere – Leggy looks unconvinced and angry. I don’t think he wants to be told about his morals by this young upstart. Is she even a royal? He does seem his father’s son at this point though.

ImladrisRose – He looks sad here…
Demosthenes – Azog’s orcs invade Lake-town and the Mirkwood elves (possibly at the behest of Tauriel), follow. This is all part of the wider Sauron-driven storyline that may ultimately tie BOFA back to Dol Guldur.
MrCere – My lips are sealed.
Rud the Spud – Thranduil must have given Orcrist to Legolas after confiscating it from Thorin. A kingly gift for a royal son.

ImladrisRose – Orc: “I’ll get you my pretty!”
Elessar – Legolas fighting an Orc in Lake-town with Orcrist. Does he go there to give Thorin his sword back? Pretty nice guy if so.
Entmaiden – Is that Legolas in Lake-town? The boat appears to be elven-make.
Garfeimao – So Legolas and probably Tauriel did continue on to Lake-town, and got into a fight with Orcs. Interesting.
MrCere – Could this be Lake-town? I would sure like to write a feature about Lake-town. If this is Lake-town, it means our Elves have followed the Dwarves far.
greendragon – Confirmation that, as we had heard, Legolas (and Tauriel and Orcs!) follow the Dwarves to Lake-town.
Kelvarhin – Really want to know when this happens and how it fits into the story, Legolas fighting the Orc in Lake-town. December can’t get here soon enough!
Mithril – Legolas fighting Orcs in Lake-town? Seems strange. Isn’t it too early in the story for the Elves to show up there? Do Legolas and Tauriel go ahead of the Elven army? As scouts? Or with their own agenda? Where else could this be? It definitely looks like a human establishment. The trailer is really jumbled around. I don’t think it’s sequential, otherwise it really doesn’t make sense. Bilbo is fighting the spiders after Legolas is fighting an Orc in what seems to be Lake-town. In #26, you can see sails, then it cuts right to him fighting inside a room.

ImladrisRose – His hair should be a shampoo commercial.
Demosthenes – That really does seem like Orcrist. Taken from Thorin as “spoils of war”, perhaps? If that is the case, then the line line “I will not hesitate to kill you, dwarf” could actually be directed at Thorin.
Kelvarhin – The battle continues inside?