Garfeimao – In the first trailer and from the behind-the-scenes stuff, we know Bard picked up the Dwarves when he was probably expecting barrels, and Dwalin and Thorin don’t trust him. So are these ruins along the River Running out of Mirkwood or along the shores of the Long Lake? They are stone and masonry, not woodwork, so it’s not Lake-town. It’s too early to be Dale, and I don’t see the Dwarves getting as far as Dale and agreeing to head back to Lake-town before returning again.
Demosthenes – “The rotting piles of a greater town could still be along the shores when the waters sank in a drought.” I think this might be the inspiration, but not much of a resemblance.
ImladrisRose – This shot reminds me of Osgiliath!
Elessar – Where is this? Someplace between Lake-town and Dale I guess.
Entmaiden – Bard? Is he in the ruined city of Esgaroth? That would be awesome!
Gramma – What a neat shot of boats maneuvering through what looks like the devastation of the Dwarves’ road from the Front Gate to Dale(?). Very evocative. I’ve never thought of how the aftermath of Smaug’s destruction would be incorporated into everyday life.
Kelvarhin – Bard steering the boatload of Dwarves through some ruins. Interested to see how this fits in, is it an indication of Lake-town being in decline?
MrCere – Ancient boat ruins? Is this a former version of Laketown or somewhere else?
Sarumann – Are these the ruins of Dale? Very haunting.
Saystine – Are these ruins of Dale or Lake-town? They are very interesting.

ImladrisRose – Not a happy dwarf.. Perhaps he doesn’t like boats (they appear to be on a boat)?
Gramma – It’s strange to see Thorin and Dwalin NOT in armour. They’re in soft (very comfy-looking) clothing.
MrCere – More intensely interesting costumes, right? The pair here really looks the part of battle-weary warriors.

ImladrisRose – I love how they are shooting Thranduil like Legolas with the “Elven Eye” shot, although they did this on Galadriel too.
Demosthenes – What is with the eyebrows of the Elvenking obsession? Weirdoes.
greendragon – I wonder if they used Christmas tree lights to make his eyes sparkle, as they did with Galadriel in LotR?
MrCere – I think I won the office pool on how soon the close-up of the eyebrows was coming! It my opinion, those are not stunt brows but actor grown.
Sarumann – Dem eyebrows!

ImladrisRose – “Get me off of this boat,” says Thorin..
Elessar – They look like they’ve been put through the wringer. Obvious early distrust of Bard and his plans for the group.
Gramma – What a moody pic. Even Bofur’s hat is drooping 😉
Kelvarhin – Thorin and Dwalin on the boat again. Is it Bard they’re not trusting? I’m guessing it’s just before they arrive in Lake-town, as they’re looking pretty dishevelled, check out Bofur’s hair particularly.
MrCere – A boat, mist, boat ruins — this looks familiar.

ImladrisRose – So so beautiful. New Zealand has yet to disappoint!
Elessar – I loved this shot in trailer one. Just a stunning view of the Lonely Mountain.
Gramma – That is just a great shot! Wow!
greendragon – First year Dwarves arrive at Hogwarts… 🙂 But seriously, this is a beautiful shot.
Kelvarhin – Love that shot of the lake with the mountains behind, it’s just lovely.
MrCere – Funny to slip the Paramount Pictures logo mountain in a Warner Bros. movie isn’t it?

ImladrisRose – Loving his armor and red cloak! Wear did he obtain it though? Preparing for the Battle of the Five Armies?
Elessar – Thorin in new armor. Must have gotten this inside Erebor. I love the design. May need a second Thorin statue from Weta.
Entmaiden – What’s that pin-thing that Thorin is wearing on his right shoulder? Looks kind of branch-y to me. From Thranduil?
Garfeimao – Thorin in what appears to be fresh garb found in the dragon plunder. Love the fur-lined cloak and the heavy cloak pin, and plate armor. Yay.
Gramma – Thorin’s face really expresses how he must be feeling. Sad memories, going to face a long-delayed demon.
greendragon – What’s Thorin wearing? A gift from the Master of Lake-town perhaps, hoping he will benefit from dwarven treasure?
Kelvarhin – Thorin starting to look like the King Under The Mountain.
MrCere – That Peter Jackson sure knows how to light and shoot a hero. The downside to all these images: we have just the image which is at best half of what happens when we watch a movie trailer. At this point the tension-building music has reached a big swell and has broken into higher drama. We also have the dialog of “King Under The Mountain” to go with this shot, creating a hero moment and reminding the audience who and what Thorin Oakenshield is. Lots more than just the image combining to create a powerful moment.
Rud the Spud – Is this kingly garb Thorin has found within Smaug’s Layer? Is this going to be his costume for a lot of There and Back Again?
Sarumann – Absolutely LOVE this shot of Thorin! A true King Under The Mountain!
Saystine – Oh Thorin! I have missed you!!

ImladrisRose – The Pillars of the Argonath in Dwarven style.
Entmaiden – Erebor! Thorin in the previous screen reminds me of Aragorn when he sees the Argonath
Gramma – Shades of the Argonath!
Kelvarhin – Walking up the secret stair, I loved this last time around and I still do. Really think it’s clever the way they made it part of the statue. It just seems such a Dwarvish thing to do, to me.

ImladrisRose – I am concerned that these shots are still blurry and appear to not have been properly rendered yet. Hopefully they will be clearer in the film!
Entmaiden – There goes Bombur! Night-night 😉
Garfeimao – We saw this in the first trailer too, with the Orcs chasing the Dwarves in the barrels, but also fighting with Elves in the forest and some stone tower, something like a watchtower maybe.
greendragon – Thank goodness the CGI is so much further along now. This looks WAY better than in the first trailer.
MrCere – Old shot. Good old Bombur.

ImladrisRose – Her sword looks like a meat cleaver in this shot.
MrCere – Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tauriel is awesome as we learned in the previous trailer.