Garfiemao – Bravo to Calisuri for some amazing detail screen capping on the Dragonfire, cause there is Smaug, wings out, pointy teeth, and wicked fire on the way.
greendragon – Oh I wish they had not revealed Smaug’s voice in this trailer. Couldn’t they leave something for the film?? But he does look cool.
Kelvarhin – Really glad we still can’t make too much out of Smaug beyond these shadowy images. Even in these he’s looking awesome!
MrCere – Good job here by Calisuri to get the best possible images off the trailer. It shows us the very organic, natural, fire-breathing flame starting in his throat with a bit of a pilot light before bursting forth to an enormous wall of flame. This sequence is pretty outstanding and sells us a dragon without showing much dragon at all. Oh yeah, the voice! Love the voice. Benedict is fantastic (here and elsewhere) but I was worried Smaug would sound too human. I like very much that this doesn’t sound like a man, despite speaking English. This sequence gets resounding applause from me. It also feels like a white-knuckle sequence that brings the threat of Smaug and the smallness of Bilbo directly to the audience. In may ways, this is a lot like Gollum’s cave in the first film; that was pitch perfect for me.
ImladrisRose – Finally a full body shot! Seems skinnier than I imagined, but it could be deceiving.
Elessar – Smaug looks pretty cool from what you can see. I also wanted to add that his voice was pretty darn cool. Spot on to what I had always imagined.
greendragon – Looks like he’s swallowed the Arkenstone!
Kelvarhin – Does he have claws on the end of his wing-tips? His wings seem to stretch from one side of the cavern to the other. Cool.
Saystine – Smaug, the magnificent. I cannot wait to see more of him and to feel my seat shake when he roars! it’s going to be epic!
ImladrisRose – OMG.
Kelvarhin – Not entirely sure, but it looks like you can just make out the blank spot on his chest where the gold and jewels are missing.
Demosthenes – Benedict Cumberbatch is looking like a bit of a scene stealer here. That’s a cracking voice. Very impressed.
Gramma – There’s Smaug! Oh that Voice! YES!
Kelvarhin – One side definitely looks more shiny than the other.
Altaira – My, what big teeth you have, grandmother! Smaug is another character we’re dying to see more of. I’m glad 1) that they revealed a little more of him in this trailer, 2) that he’s speaking! and 3) that he clearly has gold coins encrusted on his belly.
ImladrisRose – OMG TERRIFYING.
greendragon – Love it.
Entmaiden – A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
Kelvarhin – That’s an amazing shot, looking right down Smaug’s throat as the fire erupts.
Sarumann – The last thing you see before your epic death!
Kelvarhin – Brilliant end to the trailer images.
ImladrisRose – SO FREAKING AMAZING. This trailer is so much better than the last one!
greendragon – That ‘o’ is like a ring, gleaming away there!
ImladrisRose – This movie cannot premiere soon enough!
MrCere – A bunch of names that did a lot of work on these films.
ImladrisRose – Such an incredible job by all of those involved!
greendragon – Guillermo Del Toro is credited as screenwriter here! And yet he was not in the first Desolation of Smaug trailer! How odd. Did they just forget on that one? Anyway, I for one am glad to see his name here again.
Kelvarhin – Great to see Guillermo is still credited with the screenplay too.
MrCere – Carolynne Cunningham and Zane Weiner may not be well known to everybody but they are a really important part of the producing team and would get “Best Picture” awards, meaning they did some heavy lifting in helping Peter Jackson realize his vision.
ImladrisRose – WAHOOO!!!!!
Demosthenes – This was much stronger, more interesting and far more coherent than the first trailer.
Elessar – Still not December? Darn 🙁 I think this trailer shows that this film will be even better than the first, and it will give a more serious tone to those that looked for it in AUJ. There are a few scenes that I’m curious to see how they mix, since they seem very non-book moments; but in the end I am as excited as ever to plop myself down and see this film.
greendragon – Can’t wait. I like this trailer SO much more than the first one. Now I’m excited.
Kelvarhin – Still grumpy at having to wait another 13 days [after it opens elsewhere] before I can see it… Roll on December!
Rud the Spud – Final Verdict – This trailer got me very excited. Much better than the first trailer.
Sarumann – Thanks for reminding me how long I have to wait, jerk! (Just kidding. You know I can’t stay mad at you.)
MrCere – I give the trailer an “A” rating. It is compelling stuff and it reminds me how packed full this movie is going to be. I know some will never stop with the THREE MOVIES! criticism, but I am relieved there are three not two. If this trailer is accurate, we can expect start-to-finish action. I hope there are quiet character moments as well.
Saystine – December 13th, so far away, but will be here before we know it. I need to get to work on that new costume!
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