Act Two
During their escape, Thorin’s Company gets caught in a three-way battle with both Legolas/Tauriel/the wood-elves and Azog/the hunter orcs in what seems will be a fairly large set-piece.
The dwarves will be attacked as they escape, possibly by Azog’s orcs.
Somewhere in here Gandy’s investigation will lead him into Dol Guldur, into which he descends despite knowing it’s “a trap”. Here he’ll confront an either crazed or undead Thrain (and later seems to be following Thrain through the Labyrinth of Dol Guldur); a Gandy/Bolg toy set, with Bolg’s Bridge Direct action figure describing him as the Necromancer’s interrogator, imply that Gandy will meet Bolg in the Necro’s dominion at some point as well.
Supposedly Gandalf will be rescued at some point by Radagast — in my opinion, he could get in over his head here and Raddy could use his abilities to help him escape. Around here Gandy will also conclude or uncover the identity of the Necromancer as well, to Raddy’s alarm. The Nazgul or other monsters could take part in this part of the film as well during Gandy’s investigation into Dol Guldur; other than Radagast, Beorn, Legolas & Tauriel might come into play IMO.
Thorin’s Company evidently are picked up by Bard the Bowman on the banks of the River and taken into Laketown; it seems that Orcs follow them into Esgaroth (pursued by Legolas/Tauriel) and injure a girl (possibly named “Tilda”) who Tauriel will later heal. The Master (seemingly) welcomes the Company into Laketown, though it’s not known how his “conniving civil servant” Alfrid will feature. Here Bilbo and the Dwarves will be clad in new raiment after being stripped in the dungeons of the wood-elves (gulp)!

Bard may be a bit of a “scoundrel” character to start.
Bard certainly seems to have reservations about this quest, and will have a relationship with his young son Bain. Bard will be a bit of a “scoundrel” and we won’t initially know if he’s a hero or not — at one point he’ll be chased by Braga, the captain of the Lake-guard played by Mark Mitchenson, who it seems may basically be the “Gamling” of TH. Apparently Bard will not be a Guardsman of Lake-town, at least not initially, but will be more of a “Robin Hood” figure who helps the people of Esgaroth in the face of the Master’s neglect, and is at odds with Braga who is head of the Guard.
Laketown is supposed to be a “big moment” for Fili and Kili, as presumably they’ll be revealed to be Thorin’s heirs here; he may also plan to leave them behind before heading off to the Lonely Mountain; Kili also seems to have been inflected by an “orc wound” as his way into Esgaroth. The changing of seasons from Fall into Winter seems to imply the Company spends a long stretch of time in Laketown.