greendragon – still leading those captive dwarves. More gorgeous, ‘painting’ stuff.
Saystine – simply breathtaking! amazing design!!
ImladrisRose – For as beautiful as this is, I can’t help but see Lothlorien. This is like the “other” side of Lothlorien…
Kelvarhin – Are they tree-roots they’re walking along? They look more wood-like than stone, and could explain why they’re zig-zagging all over the place.
Garfeimao – I love the combination of woodwork and stonework in this place, with the living trees incorporated into the design with living rock almost. Very pretty.
grammaboodawg – Fantastic! In contrast to the Dwarves’ realm being shaped and carved, these Elves meld with the living rock and wood.
greendragon – looks like Thorin, then Dwalin, then Balin up at the front. Then Gloin?
ButtonLady – Doesn’t ANYONE in Middle-Earth know how to make RAILINGS??
Garfeimao – This does appear to be them heading down, since the source of natural lighting from outside is coming from above now.
grammaboodawg – Funny how these roots and branches make me think of the very same root-work we see in Bag End.
greendragon – this eye close-up, to me, looks too much like many Galadriel shots in LotR. I don’t like it when the film seems to be trying too hard to connect with the LotR films… But maybe I’m overreacting; maybe PJ just likes eye close ups…
Elessar – It does feel like the Galadriel shot from The Fellowship of the Ring. That’s a shot I’m not a fan of in that film either. These are moments I just kind of go “eh” and move on.
Saystine – Lee Pace’s eyebrows rule the world!!!
Earl – This reminds me so much of Galadriel’s look in FOTR with the eyelights in her eyes. For all his vanity, Thranduil also does seem to (literally!) have wisdom writ upon his brows.
ImladrisRose – Another Lothlorien like similarity – “The Galadriel Shot”. Although, Lee has much more distinguished eyebrows AND might I add that his eyes look good and normal in this shot. I pray that it doesn’t get altered to look like the other ones..
Garfeimao – Oh look, caterpillars, two of them. How dreamy. Thranduil definitely has a more stern appearance to him than Galadriel, partly due to the pointy nature of the crown at the part where it juts out to emphasize his lovely cheekbone structure. Why yes, I am a girl, and this is squee worthy.
deej – oh, those Elves…how they love their close-up shots.
grammaboodawg – That’s an Elven stare if I’ve ever seen one!
greendragon – who’s that elf, talking to Legolas?
ButtonLady – Looks like an long, anticipatory introduction shot of Legolas before they show his face.
Earl – Oooh! The Forest Path… the Elven enchantment that kept it clean and free of the foul things of the forest.
Garfeimao – I love how the pillars of the realm are actually made of intertwined trees, somewhat like a Ficus.
grammaboodawg – Is that the father or the son? Awesome blades and sheaths! My bet is that it’s Legolas. Same cowl we saw in the earlier shot of him sliding on the forest floor.
Elessar – Legolas overlooking the realm. I like how you see up to there it hasn’t been turned into Mirkwood.
Magpie – The armor (intentionally, I’m sure) reminds me of overlapping leaves.
Kelvarhin – The power of the elves holding the darkness back. Like the twisty look of the trees too. Really loving the look of the woodland elves’ armour and the detail on Legolas’ knives’ sheaths, simple yet elegant.
Garfeimao – We finally get to see what the sheath for Legolas’s White Knives looks like, very cool. Now if I could just figure out what that other Elf is pointing to down the path. . .
grammaboodawg – Why does this remind me of Sam standing in the field next to the scarecrow. “If I take one more step…”
greendragon – we saw this shot in the April ‘Sneak preview’. I’m still not sure about this whole ‘Witch King escaping from a tomb’ plot idea… But this is a typical PJ shot – reminds me of the Fellowship in Moria.
Elessar – I think this is going to be really cool. I’ll also be curious to see how much out of canon they go with things.
saystine – this is going to be very creepy.
Earl – There are writings on the lintel behind Gandalf and Radagast. I wonder what they say…
grammaboodawg – *jaw drops* Bottomless! You can see where there used to be floors.
greendragon – those cells go down a loooong way…
Garfeimao – Now if this were a Die Hard movie, Gandalf would be trying to figure out which of the tombs to jump to.
grammaboodawg – Something peeled back the metal on those doorways like they were pipecleaners!
Elessar – Orcs fighting Elves. Where is this? Is this Mirkwood? How close are they to Thranduil’s halls? I’ve got plenty of questions about this sequence. It looked cool but I need to know more.
Kelvarhin – Curious about this bit, when do the orcs attack the elves and where? Especially after explaining to 13 year old son that I have no idea when or where this happens as it’s not in the book.
greendragon – urgh more horrible CGI cartoons…
Garfeimao – These elven uniforms look a wee bit different than what Tauriel and Legolas are wearing, these must be guards or lookouts. They have cloaks of yellow and are wearing helmets and armour.
grammaboodawg – Who is this under attack!? They’re too armoured to be men of Lake-town. Plus, it’s a stone platform.
greendragon – oh joy, he’s back. 🙁
Elessar – Azog makes his appearance now. He looks really cool and its obviously from the same sequence. I like Azog but I think its time for him to die and let Bolg take over.
saystine – I know a lot of fans hate Azog, but I think he is great. He looks awesome and this presence provides a constant threat through the first film. I am interested to see how he will be used in DOS.
ButtonLady – I’m over Azog. I’m tired of trying to explain him to the 8-year-olds I was reading The Hobbit to. At least, I hope that Azog is a terminated threat by the time the Battle of the Five Armies begins – but he probably won’t be. He will need to lead them there, and I don’t feel the need to be introduced to another Orc Leader – that’s even more unnecessary.
Earl – I was kinda excited to see Azog again. After rewatching AUJ, I’ve come to buy into his storyline. I am happy he wasn’t killed off in AUJ. Sorry folks who hate Azog. I did too. So I can understand if you’re looking at me strange right now!
ImladrisRose – Dear Azog, please go away quickly because the sight of you annoys me so. Why can’t you be a “real” bad guy like Lurtz or Gothmog? Your CGI is distracting and any value you have as a character is lost upon sight of you. Thank you for understanding..
Kelvarhin – Aw crims! Can’t they just kill him already! Sorry, hate Azog.
Garfeimao – Ah, the play-doh villain is back, quick, someone stick something sharp into him before he has time to annoy any more fans.
deej – Azog…I hate to make SW comparisons, but he’s sort of become the Jar Jar character for me, in that I really, really don’t like him. At all.
grammaboodawg – Azog is my Gothmog 🙁 He’s a very effective baddy for this story. He’s so deliciously evil and creepy. Seems he likes scars as opposed to tattoos.
saystine – the spider webs look great. I would not want to get caught in them.
Earl – So people have been wondering why Bilbo isn’t wearing his Ring in this sequence, and I think I know the answer. At the end of the first AUJ trailer, we see Bilbo turning around and seeing his Ring lying upon the forest floor. So I think he loses his Ring for a bit, which is what we’re seeing in this new trailer, and then as he turns around he finds it in the nick of time.
Garfeimao – Bilbo appears to be up in the trees, rather than on the ground. Can’t wait to see how Sting earns its name.
grammaboodawg – Is Bilbo up in a tree? Rescuing Dwarves, p’raps? He looks so tiny and alone!
MrCere – This makes me think there are some significant spider sequence changes. Bilbo has webs all over him, is way, way up in a tree and isn’t using his ring (FYI if you haven’t watched or read LOTR it later turns out to be really important!).