Last week, the artisans at Weta announced 19 amazing items for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, including the Key to Erebor, Thorin’s Map, Thorin Oakenshield statue, Gandalf The Grey statue, Bilbo Baggins statue, Art Prints, Map replicas, and much more. All of the items are up for Pre-Order now with several of them being in-stock ready to arrive to your collection. To celebrate the arrival of these great items, and Weta teamed up to give away two of them: Thorin’s Map and the Key to Erebor. Both contests were highly popular with entries hitting the 500 mark for each. It was obvious by all these emails that fans wanted to get one of these amazing collectibles shipped and on the way to their house. We’re happy to announce that the winner of Thorin’s Map is C. Bull of Australia and the winner of the Key to Erebor is B. Sprinkle of Virgina. Congratulations to you both!