LEGO® Fans worldwide are being treated to a series of early images of the upcoming ‘The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey‘ LEGO® Playsets. (We are deliberately not including imagery on this post because we are pretty sure they will be asked to remove in hours!) There are a variety of sources for images, but the best come from LEGO Toy Story News’s Flickr Stream. Be warned, one set in particular reveals a previously unannounced ‘change’ to the story. We will describe the sets and a brief attempt to decipher each, but we’d love to hear your own conclusions and theories in our comments. There is also a video available of a very excited LEGO fan quickly going over all of the sets. A small heads up for the video – if you are looking for a clear description and accounting of each set – this isn’t for you. He does seem very excited about mushrooms though! [Flickr Stream] [Video]- MAJOR SPOILERS! (Thanks to Mr. Spielbrick for the heads up!)
Riddles for the Ring – Featuring Bilbo and Gollum and it looks like a small cave and Gollum’s boat.
Attack of the Wargs – Very blurry – so can’t make out specifics, but for sure Thorin, Bifur, a large Goblin/Orc on a white warg and a really cool LEGO® Tree. Looks like there are some cool flame pieces as well – some multi-colored. A little Gandalf magic?
The Goblin King Battle – Pics are blurry, but it looks to feature…Goblin King, three Goblins, Ori, Nori and Dori as well as Gandalf. The set looks immense with probably a lot of action items.
Barrel Escape – Features Bilbo, Oin and Gloin and a few elves. Unfortunately we can’t read the names.
Escape from Mirkwood Spiders – This should cause a bit of contraversy 🙂 Here we can clearly see that Tauriel and Legolas are rescuing the dwarves from the spiders. Featured in the set Legolas, Tauriel, Kili and Fili.
As we mentioned, check out the pics from the Flickr Stream as well as a Video.