Elessar: I think I like where this is going. We’re gonna see Elrond use this awesome looking table to show the runes on Thorin’s map and this should be fantastic I think on screen. I believe this will play off better than just holding a map up to the sky.
Entmaiden: I think the sparkle-table is cool. I’m not sure where this scene is set – maybe Rivendell at night.
Magpie: This shot made me remember that Dwarves are small like Hobbits. I mean, I know it… but I hadn’t actually thought about them standing next to big folk. Thorin looks odd. Balin and Bilbo look like they would normally but shrunk down. But Thorin’s body proportions look off.
Thorin is resolved to press on.
Captured in Goblin Town
Calisuri: Absolutely love this little clip of the company being take down down to Goblintown!
Elrond: “So this is your purpose? To enter the mountain.” Thorin: “What of it?” Elrond: “There are some who would not deem it wise.”
Calisuri: Anyone else pick up the ‘Um, Dwarf, you are a dumba**’ attitude from Elrond?
Radagast’s famous bunnysled complete with bunnies.
Calisuri: Woo! Bunnies pulling a sled!
Calisuri: Radagast may give Santa a good race…
Entmaiden: I think this is Mirkwood. Really like this.
JW: WHAT the… (Actually, we saw a little of this footage before, and it’s not really a surprise. Still, little weird.)
Welcome to Rhosgobel
Entmaiden: Loving Radagast.
A healing hand…
Elessar: Radagast through the creatures he loves finding out Sauron has returned or I should say starting his return. Fitting again its not the most powerful or powerful creatures starting the process of defeating the Dark Lord.
Radagast: “A dark power has found a way back into the world.”
Magpie: I’m reserving judgement on bunny sledges and the overall look of Radagast. But I’m charmed by the animals and his house.
Something invades Rhosgobel
Magpie: I don’t understand what is happening here. I kind of wondered what was happening while I was watching the trailer and now I can see a long branch(?) coming through the ceiling. Is there something up there propelling that stick?
Calisuri: That is one BIG spider leg coming through the roof. You can see some of the foul beast’s body moving as well above the thatches in the roof. Freaky big…anyone who was scared of Shelob may have a bit of a problem with The Hobbit!
A Riddle Game?