Intro: One of our Ringer Spies, frenz, didn’t know quite what to expect when she received her ticket to Comic-Con 2012. Orcs and goblins and bears, oh my! Not to mention a line of over 7,000 people to get into Hall H (capacity of 6,500) for the WB panel, scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Pacific time today. Here are some of her impressions:
So what happens when a new Tolkien fan finds herself at Comic-Con? A sensory overload? Certainly. Everything is big and loud and insane, and it’s caused an unstoppable grin, which is quite something since I’m not normally much for grinning incessantly. But at Comic-Con, you will be miserable if you can’t grin:

And then there are the sane people:

Of course I would never find myself in a line of over 7,000 people. No, that would never happen:

Gotta run. Another line party has started!