Ringer Spy Lissuin sends us these exciting new spy pictures from Stone Street in Wellington of a massive green screen set under construction.
We believe that the tall, narrow buildings currently under construction are most likely to be part of Laketown — the human town on the lake of Esgaroth a few days journey from the Lonely Mountain.
Needless to say, there are potential SPOILERS beyond the cut!
New “Laketown” set under construction at Stone Street. Click to view larger.Unfinished buildings peek above the small city of trailers parked near the gate, the massive multi-storey green screen looming behind.
New “Laketown” set under construction at Stone Street. Click to view larger.This zoomed version shows more detail: the narrow base, widening toward the top and the shingle roofing. In some ways it’s very reminiscent of the tall, close-set buildings of Bree, but we’ve heard not a whisper that Thorin and Co will be dropping by the Prancing Pony on their journey. If you’d like to see the resemblance, head to our old Scrapbook and see the Bree set photos we first posted in 2000 in the lead-up to Fellowship of the Ring.
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