On Friday, moviegoers will be able to see how Andy Serkis brought Caesar to life in Rise of the Planet of the Apes and later this year he’s playing Captain Haddock in Steven Spielberg’s The Adventures of Tintin. He follows that up with his anticipated return to Gollum in Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit films, movies which he is also directing the 2nd Unit for. ComingSoon.net talked to Serkis this weekend about taking on the additional duties. More..

Alright, Ringers today is the day! The Orthanc Pre-Ruin environment has gone up for Pre-Order! Orthanc of course is the newest environment to join the environment line with amazing pieces like Bag End and Rivendell. The price of this Orthanc is $250 and for the first 400 orders you will get a 24k gold Sauron Eye pin as well as a numbered piece. After this the piece will be an open edition but don’t wait too long as this will be a piece you will be kicking yourself if you never add it to your collection. Don’t forget after you order to enter what you want the official name of this piece to be when it ships. The contest ends August 5th at 5pm PST! [Orthanc naming contest]

Luke Evans, playing the role for Bard the Bowman in Peter Jackson’s Hobbit films, is ready to head to New Zealand. We think the authentic @Mr_Luke_Evans Tweeted:

photo shoot for Dazed and Confused with awesome photographer Rankin tomorrow in LA before I fly to NZ for the Hobbit. Bring on the Bard!!!!!

More evidence that the long stretch of filming is about to ramp up! Follow Evans @Mr_Luke_Evans TORN @theoneringnet and thanks to Astrid for the tip.

In 2010, the artisans at Weta, brought to life through help of the members of the Shadow and Flame forum, one of the most well loved places in Middle-Earth. That place would be none other the hole under the hill, Bag End. The home of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins would finally be turned into something The Lord of the Rings fans could bring into their collection.

Weta would not settle though for just making one version of Bag End for collectors to choose. They would go out and make a traditional open edition, and for the collector who wanted just a little bit more they also made a Collector’s Edition. The difference between the two types is the collectors edition has an edition size of 1,111 to help honor Bilbo’s 111th birthday, and on the backside of the environment you also get some truly finely sculpted rooms in Bag End.

Oh and by the way, you can win one of these if you enter our naming competition with Weta for the brand new Orthanc Environment.

Continue reading “Collecting The Precious – Weta’s Bag End Collector’s Edition Review”

With the break in filming (that including filming in the U.K. with Christopher Lee) players in the two-part Hobbit movie are heading back to New Zealand. Word is that Peter Jackson is there now after his surprise stop at Comic-Con and we learned today from his own Twitter (@stephenfry) that Stephen Fry as the Master of Laketown is headed there at well. He tweeted:

Flying from Cape Town to Jo’burg to Sydney to NZ tomorrow. Will be Tuesday by the time I land in Wellington. Hobbitry beckons.

Luke Evans (Bard the Bowman) told us at the Con that he hasn’t stepped a foot on set yet but is scheduled for training and costume fitting soon. We do know the production is busy with decorating sets and getting costumes and extras ready for the ramp up of another 200 days of filming.

We’re about to start our book chat on chapter 9 of the Hobbit — Barrels Out of Bond. Come along and join the discussion as we trace Bilbo’s adventures through Thranduil’s deep halls!

We’re done! Thanks to everyone who came along. But if you missed out, you join our main chat anytime here.