More Tolkien on the big screen? This might not be what you had in mind, but… Remember Steve Hillard, the author of a controversial book ‘Mirkwood‘ which features JRR Tolkien as a fictional character? Well, after a series of legal wranglings, his lawsuit was settled with the Tolkien Estate, and it looks like he has decided to adapt ‘Mirkwood‘ for the screen.
Here’s the exclusive story from The Hollywood Reporter:
Author Steve Hillard has signed a deal with EMO Films to develop and secure financing for a film version of his novel Mirkwood, which centers around a fictional version of The Lord of the Rings authorJ.R.R. Tolkien.
Emo’s Joel Eisenberg and Timothy Owens will executive produce the project.
“The adaptation of Mirkwood will follow the template of the novel,” said Hillard, “but will delve considerably deeper into Tolkien’s little-known back story, such as his original plans to become a codebreaker in World War II up through the writing of his enduring works.”