Did you snag one of our ‘Mirkwood Pest Control’ or ‘Lousy 2011’ T-shirts? If so, and you are willing, send us a pic of yourself in the shirt. We are in the process of compiling pics of fans of TheOneRing.net and would love to add your photos to the collection! Please simply email your pic to to our t-shirt specific email list, tshirts@theonering.net. Of course, if you have a pic of yourself in one of our older T-shirts, please feel free to send that along too! For those of you looking to get one of the shirts, we have only a very few left in odd sizes. Mirkwood Pest Control – 2 Large, 1 Medium. ‘Lousy 2011‘ – 2 Small. However, not to worry, we are in development on another set of shirts as we speak! Thanks again to all for your support and participation in TheOneRing.net! (We are required to get some legal stuff out of the way…by submitting a picture to TheOneRing.net, you are giving us permission to use that picture at our sole discretion.)