Our friend Jack down in New Zealand who frequently posts Hobbit-related news on his “Noldor Blog” had a stroke of luck while driving out towards Rivendell/Kaitoke Regional Park. He noticed an open truck carrying along what looked like set pieces for a film, most probably The Hobbit, and he managed to snap more than a few high resolution pictures from a couple of different angles.
Here follows an excerpt from his blog (but don’t forget to head over to The Noldor Blog to read Jack’s entire account and have a look-see at those high resolution pictures we mentioned above.)
We were driving on State Highway 2, heading towards Upper Hutt, and the Kaitoke Regional Park where the Rivendell set was based for LOTR, when in the distance, I couldn’t help but notice an interesting cargo on the back of one of the trucks in front of us.
The pictures appear to show a piece of very nice “stone” masonry, with curved tiles on a fairly large wooden base. Also, underneath some camo plastic, there were what appeared to be pre-fabricated wooden fences of some sort.
Have an opinion about which set the pictures show? Our message boards are just the place to discuss with fellow fans!