Welcome to our collection of TORn’s hottest topics for the past week. If you’ve fallen behind on what’s happening on the Message Boards, here’s a great way to catch the highlights. Or if you’re new to TORn and want to enjoy some great conversations, just follow the links to some of our most popular discussions. Watch this space as every weekend we will spotlight the most popular buzz on TORn’s Message Boards. Everyone is welcome, so come on in and join in the fun!
We know how Hobbits love their food! Here are
Some very sweet looking Hobbit cakes from the Main Discussion Board created in honour of The Hobbit films.
Grab a fork and have a taste.
What will we see at Dol Guldur? The Hobbit Movie Discussion Board has a list of some of the things, creatures, characters and events we’ll see at Dol Guldur.
What do you think?
We never tire of discussing Jackson’s LotR. Right now we’re into
ROTK EE Discussion – Abandoned Concept, Aragorn Battles Sauron and concept artwork of Frodo, Sam and Gollum on the precipice of Mt. Doom from the Extended Edition Appendices.
Join us in the discussion here.
What movie do you nominate for PJ to direct after he’s finished The Hobbit? On the Off Topic Board, we’re already planning Peter’s life for him after he’s finished the 2 installments of The Hobbit! What would you like to see him do?
We’ll share more topics next week and hope you can join in on the conversation! Don’t forget, TheOneRing.net’s message boards have almost 6000 registered Tolkien fans, just like yourself! Let your voice be heard!
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