On any given day, there could be many Tolkien related events taking place somewhere on this great big planet of ours. Sometimes we get to post about those events on our homepage, sometimes we don’t. To make things a bit easier for Ringers worldwide to keep track of upcoming (and past) events, we are announcing TheOneRing.net Event Calendar! This new calendar, maintained using Google Calendar, not only allows you to quickly and easily look through upcoming events, it allows you to subscribe and even add events to your own personal calendar. That way you can set up you own reminders and alerts ’til your hearts content! And best yet, if you have an event coming up, we do take submissions to be included on the calendar. Our goal is to make this the most comprehensive calendar for Tolkien fans worldwide, and with your help, we hope to reach that goal! Follow the link to view the upcoming events. [Event Calendar] [Google]